I am trying to implement an IIR filter.

I tried to implement the following filter but

FIR : y(n) = b0(x[n]) + ... +bM-1(x[n-M+1])

IIR : y(n) = {b0(x[n]) + ... +bM-1(x[n-M+1])} - {a1(y[n-1]) + ... +aN(y[n-N}

I am confused on how to implement y[n-1]......

Here is my code.

void IIRFloat(double *coeffs_B, double *coeffs_A, double *input, double *output, int length, int filterLength)
    double bcc, acc;
    double *coeffa, *coeffb;
    double *inputp;
    double *outputp;
    int n,k;

    //filter length =7
    for (n = 0; n < length; n++) {
        coeffa = coeffs_A;
        coeffb = coeffs_B;
        inputp = &insamp[filterLength - 1 + n]; //insamp[6]~insamp[85]

        acc = 0;
        bcc = 0;

        for (k = 0; k < filterLength; k++) {
            bcc += (*coeffb++) * (*inputp--); //b[0] * x[6] + b[1] * x[5]...+b[6] * x[0]

        for (k = 1; k < filterLength; k++) {
            acc += (*coeffa++) * (*output--); //a[1] * y[5] + a[2] * y[4]...+a[6] * y[0]
        output[n] = bcc-acc;


I will not copy here the code for memove function for seek of brevity.


4 Answers 4


An IIR filter is recursive which means it takes the past values of the output (equivalently it could be expressed as infinite sequence of the input).

Suppose you have the filter

y[n] = b*x[n]-a*y[n-1]

Generally the first output is initialized to a given value, for example 0.

Suppose you want to filter the signal x of length N then you should do something like:

double out[N]; //output vector
double a = 0.3, b=0.5; //assign the coefficients a value
out[0] = 0; //initialize the first element

for (int i=1; i<N; i++)
    out[i] = b*x[i] -a*[i-1];  

In the case of your code I cannot know what you are doing in the line inputp = &insamp[filterLength - 1 + n]; and that might be a problem.

I will assume inputp is the signal you want to filter.

Another issue: you used filter filterLength to indicate the lengths of both the input elements and the output elements: that is not generally in a IIR filter.

The output elements from 0 to filterlength should be initialized somehow, suppose to 0. Then in the second loop you made the loop index starting from 1 but the coefficient array should start from 0.

(DOUBT: If the oldest element is y[5] how can the length be 7?)

Using index instead of dereferencing the array your code should be something like this:

void IIRFloat(double *coeffs_B, double *coeffs_A, double *input, double *output, int length, int filterLength)
    double bcc, acc;
    double *inputp;
    int n,k;

    for (int ii=0; ii<filterLength; ii++)
        output[ii] = 0;

    //filter length =7
    for (n = 0; n < length; n++) {
        inputp = &insamp[filterLength - 1 + n]; //insamp[6]~insamp[85]

        acc = 0;
        bcc = 0;

        for (k = 0; k < filterLength; k++) 
            bcc += coeffb[k] * inputp[filterLength-k-1]; //b[0] * x[6] + b[1] * x[5]...+b[6] * x[0]

        for (k = 0; k < filterLength; k++) 
            acc += coeffa[k] * output[filterLength-k-1]; //a[1] * y[5] + a[2] * y[4]...+a[6] * y[0]
        output[n] = bcc-acc;


EDIT I think the two for being the same length can be merged together:

for (k = 0; k < filterLength; k++) 
    output[n] += (coeffb[k] * inputp[filterLength-k-1] - coeffa[k] * output[filterLength-k-1]); 

If you really want to do it with pointers:

void filter1(const double *b, const double *a, size_t filterLength, const double *in, double *out, size_t length) {
    const double a0 = a[0];
    const double *a_end = &a[filterLength-1];
    const double *out_start = out;
    size_t m;
    for (m = 0; m < length; m++) {
        const double *b_macc = b;
        const double *in_macc = in;
        const double *a_macc = a;
        const double *out_macc = out;
        double b_acc = (*in_macc--) * (*b_macc++);
        double a_acc = 0;
        while (a_macc <= a_end && out_macc >= out_start) {
            b_acc += (*in_macc--) * (*b_macc++);
            a_acc += (*out_macc--) * (*a_macc++);
        *++out = (b_acc - a_acc) / a0;

I compared the result of this algorithm to MATLAB's filter function.

Note: You can get a large performance gain if you normalize your coefficients (i.e. a0 == 1). To do that, you just divide your a and b vectors by a0, and then you don't have to divide b_acc - a_acc by a0 on each iteration.

  • in_macc-- will result in access violations when m < filter_length
    – Zhu Mengxi
    Commented May 26, 2023 at 19:56

y[n-1] is just the result from the previous time step ex: output[n-1] (y[n-N] is for the Nth time step from the current one). So you need to index into the output array by the amount thats appropriate output[n-k] (?) (be careful to avoid indexing beyond the beginning of the array however, you'll need code to prevent this).

Also you are not indexing into your coeffa/coeffb coefficients properly (I think). To get the result you want you might need to do this *(coeffa++) to make sure you increment the pointer before you dereference it. I would urge you to do this by indexing into the array directly ex: coeff_A[k], however, as it is much easier to see what is going on.

Last side note: the operation (*output--) is moving the output pointer in a way that I think is unintentional. Index into the array instead.


Biggest thing is that afaik u never want to specify A and B separately because B should always equal (1-A). So, that being said an implementation of a basic IIR filter is:

class IIR_Filter
    IIR_Filter(double _alpha, double initialValue = 0) 
        alpha = _alpha; 
        lastVal = initialValue;
    double processNextStep(double newVal)
        lastVal = alpha * newVal + (1.0 - alpha) * lastVal;
        return lastVal;
    double alpha;
    double lastVal;

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