fn main() {
    let mut foo = 1;

    let mut func = || foo += 1;
    while foo < 5 {
error[E0503]: cannot use `foo` because it was mutably borrowed
 --> src/main.rs:5:11
4 |     let mut func = || foo += 1;
  |                    -- borrow of `foo` occurs here
5 |     while foo < 5 {
  |           ^^^ use of borrowed `foo`

I understand why this isn't working, but I'm looking for a way to bypass the borrow checker somehow. Is there a way to use a closure here? Is there a good alternative besides using a function? I've got a situation where I have to change several variables.

2 Answers 2


One option you have is to pass a mutable reference to the closure rather than implicitly borrowing it by environment capture:

fn main() {
    let mut foo = 1;

    let func = |foo: &mut i32| *foo += 1;

    while foo < 5 {
       func(&mut foo);



No, you cannot do this. While the closure has the mutable borrow, nothing else may access that variable.


Runtime mutability XOR aliasing enforcement

You can use a Cell or a RefCell:

use std::cell::Cell;

fn main() {
    let foo = Cell::new(1);

    let func = || foo.set(foo.get() + 1);

    while foo.get() < 5 {

See also:

Let the closure handle everything

You can bake the comparison into the closure:

fn main() {
    let mut foo = 1;

    let mut func = || {
        foo += 1;
        foo < 5

    while func() {}

Use a struct

struct Thing(i32);

impl Thing {
    fn do_it(&mut self) {
        self.0 += 1

    fn test_it(&self) -> bool {
        self.0 < 5

fn main() {
    let mut foo = Thing(1);

    while foo.test_it() {

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