While flipping, the parent view fades into black (from white) to the middle of the animation, then fades into white again... Why?
My code:
if !cardFrontView.isHidden {
let transitionOptions: UIViewAnimationOptions = [.transitionFlipFromRight, .showHideTransitionViews]
UIView.transition(from: cardFrontView, to: cardBackView, duration: 1.0, options: transitionOptions, completion: nil)
else {
let transitionOptions: UIViewAnimationOptions = [.transitionFlipFromLeft, .showHideTransitionViews]
UIView.transition(from: cardBackView, to: cardFrontView, duration: 1.0, options: transitionOptions, completion: nil)
I also tried UIView.transition(with: but I have another problem there: round corners are disappearing.
Struggling all day with this... I mean that's all the code.