In my form I have a DateField called booking_date that is rendered with the AdminDateWidget. The contents of the booking_date field needs to be internationalized. The problem appears when I want to use the value of the field in something like this:

booking = Booking.objects.get(booking_number='BN34D', booking_date='2010-11-21')

But if my date format is '%d.%m.%Y':

booking = Booking.objects.get(booking_number='BN34D', booking_date='21.11.2010')

I get a 'ValidationError: Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format'

How can I make the query regardless of the date format used?

3 Answers 3


You should parse it first with a localized version of the strftime format.

from datetime import datetime
d = datetime.strptime('...')
booking.objects.get(..., booking_date=d.date())

Use these formats in strptime:


You shouldn't rely on passing directly from the user into the query.

Looks like you should be doing the following from your specific example:

d = datetime.strptime('%d.%m.%Y')
booking = Booking.objects.get(booking_nmber='BN34D', booking_date=d)
  • Sorry, I keep using wikimedia markup for codeblocks instead of markdown... fixed so its viewable
    – dlamotte
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 0:03
  • How can I know the date format? Is there a way to access this format?
    – Seitaridis
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 8:57
  • It would have been good to obtain this format using the current locale.
    – Seitaridis
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:04

As I understand your question, you don't know for sure in advance, which locale will be used. That can bring you into unsolvable problems. ("10-11-12" could be Oct 11, 2012 or Nov 12, 2010 or ...)

So you must have a limited, distinguishable set of possible formats. Then you can do:

POSSIBLE_FORMATS = ('%d.%m.%Y', '%Y-%m-%d', '...')

        d = datetime.date.strptime(date_str, f)
    except ValueError:
    raise ValueError

booking = Booking.objects.get(booking_number='BN34D', booking_date=d)
  • In the formats.py file for german DATE_INPUT_FORMATS[0] will return '%d.%m.%Y' and for english DATE_INPUT_FORMATS[0] will return '%Y-%m-%d'. I always know that I want the first element, so there is no ambiguity.
    – Seitaridis
    Commented Mar 3, 2011 at 11:28
  • I am trying to solve this using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH: stackoverflow.com/questions/5165634/…
    – Seitaridis
    Commented Mar 3, 2011 at 12:01

I have solved the problem using this:

from django.utils import formats


This format is then used for parsing the date like xyld showed.

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