
Hi there I am trying to create variables and then print each variable on a seperate line without printing each variable seperately like this:

string_name = "Pierre"
integer_age = 36
float_height_in_metres = 1.94
print string_name 
print integer_age
print float_height_in_metres

I would like to only use the print command once. I tried this, but an error occurs when trying to run.

string_name = "Pierre"
integer_age = 36
float_height_in_metres = 1.94
print string_name + \ninteger_age + n\float_height_in_metres

Is it possible to only use the print command once?

  • What error occurs ?
    – Idos
    Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 17:57

1 Answer 1


Your code fails because + concatenates strings only, but you pass a string, an integer and a float. The error you should get is pretty clear about this:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

You have to convert each to their string representation first:

print string_name + '\n' + str(integer_age) + '\n' + str(float_height_in_metres)
  • Thank you I am still learning, so what you are saying is that I have to cast each integer and float into a string before I can print them using + Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 18:25

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