using NVD3 as a line chart all of my data is being inserted into one vertical line (as opposed to be across the horizontal) and when I hover the line I get 0NaN repeated. this only happens using safari

here is the java:

function drawChart(div, att_speed, data) {
  nv.addGraph(function() {
    var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
    // Convert the date passed as a STRING into a DATE object
    chart.x(function(d) { 
      return new Date(d.x); 
    chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Time (m)');
    chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) {
      return d3.time.format('%H:%M')(new Date(d));
      .axisLabel("Speed (mb)") //Set Y-Axis attributes.
      .tickFormat(d3.format(".0f")) //Set Y-Axis label formatting.
    d3.select("#" + div + " svg") //Select the document's <svg> element
      .transition().duration(500).call(chart); //Define transition and pass the d3.selection to our lineChart.


    return chart; 
datalink_one = [
            values: [{"x": "2018-06-19 14:21:22", "y": "80"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:24:02", "y": "89"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:25:10", "y": "127"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:28:04", "y": "91"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:30:11", "y": "92"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:31:21", "y": "80"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:34:03", "y": "131"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:35:28", "y": "98"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:37:11", "y": "86"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:39:02", "y": "111"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:42:03", "y": "95"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:43:04", "y": "165"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:45:11", "y": "89"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:47:11", "y": "133"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:49:16", "y": "134"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:52:05", "y": "157"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:54:13", "y": "66"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:55:09", "y": "95"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:58:02", "y": "112"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:59:09", "y": "98"}],
            key: "Download",
            color: "#337ab7",
            area: true   
            values: [{"x": "2018-06-19 14:21:22", "y": "17"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:24:02", "y": "49"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:25:10", "y": "44"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:28:04", "y": "57"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:30:11", "y": "18"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:31:21", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:34:03", "y": "20"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:35:28", "y": "24"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:37:11", "y": "19"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:39:02", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:42:03", "y": "12"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:43:04", "y": "13"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:45:11", "y": "22"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:47:11", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:49:16", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:52:05", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:54:13", "y": "11"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:55:09", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:58:02", "y": "15"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:59:09", "y": "25"}],
            key: "Upload",
            color: "#5cb85c",
            area: true   
drawChart('one-speed-chart', 500.0, datalink_one)

here is a fiddle (which will fail in safari)


here is a screeshot screenshot of issue

  • Can you add your code in a Fiddle, so its easy for someone to help you.
    – shabeer90
    Jun 12, 2018 at 10:30
  • hi Ive added a fiddle, unfortunately I cannot even get the NanNan anymore though, im not sure what ive done but nvd3 is currently not rendering
    – AlexW
    Jun 12, 2018 at 11:44
  • on the left hand menu in the fiddle there is a "Resources" section where you can add the CDN of the libraries you are using. Make sure to update it with the same library versions you are using, D3, NVD3 and the CSS
    – shabeer90
    Jun 12, 2018 at 11:47
  • ive done this I think, thanks
    – AlexW
    Jun 12, 2018 at 12:07
  • @shabeer90 any ideas?
    – AlexW
    Jun 12, 2018 at 20:56

2 Answers 2


I have finally found the answer, for safari, the date time format needs to be as follows in your json


This question I found lead me to the answer Safari Javascript Date() NaN Issue (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)


A few things I noticed when playing with your code.

In parts of your dataset for key: 'Upload' you have got the the values for 'x' inside single quotes, would be good to keep it consistent in your dataset. I normally DO NOT use the single quotes for x.

The reason you are getting 0NaN is because you are passing the date as a STRING and NOT a DATE object.

So here is what I added to your code :

var chart = nv.models.lineChart(); //Create instance of nvd3 lineChart  

// Convert the date passed as a STRING into a DATE object
chart.x(function(d) {     
  return new Date(d.x);

Here is a working version of your code here.

I would suggest formatting your dates in the X Axis to avoid them overlapping with each other. You can find more about time formatting using d3.js here

UPDATED working version with your code here

To fix the NaN issue on Safari browser you can format the time accordingly

  chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) {
    return d3.time.format('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')(new Date(d));

Hope this helps

  • Ive copy pasted your code near identically into my code and for some reason I am just getting blank and in debug I get the error "the string did not match the expected pattern" line 4312 in d3.js. ive updated the question to show my code
    – AlexW
    Jun 13, 2018 at 16:19
  • @AlexW your X values in the dataset has to be the full date timestamp so it can be converted into a date object in the chart.x() function. And then in the tickFormat() function you can choose how you want it rendered in the chart.
    – shabeer90
    Jun 14, 2018 at 17:29
  • @AlexW you have two options. 1) Leave it as x: '2018-06-07 14:59:11' or 2) pass the date as a unix timestamp x: '1528383551'. For now I suggest going with Option 1. Have you managed to look at the demo I shared in my answer?
    – shabeer90
    Jun 18, 2018 at 15:28
  • yes I have copied against your demo and am still getting the error SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern. ive changed the date format back also as per option 1
    – AlexW
    Jun 18, 2018 at 16:53
  • Can you update your question with your latest code and the exact error code
    – shabeer90
    Jun 18, 2018 at 17:47

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