I want to read a huge file in my code. Is read() or readline() faster for this. How about the loop:

for line in fileHandle

8 Answers 8


For a text file just iterating over it with a for loop is almost always the way to go. Never mind about speed, it is the cleanest.

In some versions of python readline() really does just read a single line while the for loop reads large chunks and splits them up into lines so it may be faster. I think that more recent versions of Python use buffering also for readline() so the performance difference will be minuscule (for is probably still microscopically faster because it avoids a method call). However choosing one over the other for performance reasons is probably premature optimisation.

Edit to add: I just checked back through some Python release notes. Python 2.5 said:

It’s now illegal to mix iterating over a file with for line in file and calling the file object’s read()/readline()/readlines() methods.

Python 2.6 introduced TextIOBase which supports both iterating and readline() simultaneously.

Python 2.7 fixed interleaving read() and readline().


If file is huge, read() is definitevely bad idea, as it loads (without size parameter), whole file into memory.

Readline reads only one line at time, so I would say that is better choice for huge files.

And just iterating over file object should be as effective as using readline.

See http://docs.python.org/tutorial/inputoutput.html#methods-of-file-objects for more info

  • indeed, does someone know if readline() use "for line in file" loop as a generator internally?
    – ts.
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:20
  • 2
    when file iterators were originally introduced readline knew nothing about the iterator's buffer: see PEP 234 which says the iterator is much faster because of this. However this caused problems when people tried to mix readline calls into the middle of an iterator loop so it was fixed in a later version and now readline uses the same buffer. I'm not sure which version exactly: 2.7 fixed a problem interleaving read and readline but I think the readline & iterator fix was earlier.
    – Duncan
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:27
  • but doesn't use read help you save on the number of disk seeks when compared to readline()
    – Programmer
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:42
  • 4
    The internal buffering is designed to avoid excessive numbers of disk seeks without needing to load the entire file into memory
    – ncoghlan
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:48

The docs for readlines indicate there is an optional sizehint. Because it is so vague, it's easy to overlook, but I found this to often be the fastest way to read files. Use readlines(1), which hints one line, but in fact reads in about 4k or 8k worth of lines IIRC. This takes advantage of the OS buffering and reduces the number of calls somewhat without using an excessive amount of memory.

You can experiment with different sizes of the sizehint, but I found 1 to be optimal on my platform when I was testing this


If you have enough memory use readline if performance is a concern. I have seen that while using a gzip file doing: read().split('\n') took 5 seconds to loop through, whereas using the iterator took 38 seconds. The size of GZ file was around 45 MB.

  • 3
    A gzip file is NOT a normal file. Commented May 20, 2011 at 21:32

read() basically is trying to read the whole file and save it into a single string to be used later while readlines() is also trying to read the whole file but it will do a split("\n") and store the strings of lines into a list. Hence, these two methods are not preferred if the file size is excessively big.

readline() and for loop (i.e.for line in file:) will read one line at a time and store it into a string. I guess they will use the same time to finish the job if memory allows. However these two are preferred if the file size is huge.


If your file is a text file then use readlines() which is obviously the way to read file containing lines. Apart from that: perform benchmarks if you are really aware of possible performance problems. I doubt that you will encounter any issues....the speed of the filesystem should be the limiting factor.

  • 1
    Depending on what @Programmer means by huge file, readlines() might not be a good idea.
    – Duncan
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:11
  • 1
    Like read(), readlines() reads the entire file into memory. If that might be a problem for you, the piecemeal strategies enabled by readline() (no s!) and the iterator are a better bet.
    – rlibby
    Commented Feb 22, 2011 at 9:13

The real difference between read() and readlines() The read function simply loads the file as is into memory. The readlines method reads the file as a list of lines without line termination. The readlines method should only be used on text files, and neither should be used on large files. If copying the information from a text file, read works well, because it can be output with a the write function without the need to add line termination.


Neither. Both of them will read the content into memory. In case of big files, iterating over the file object only loads one line of your file at a time and is perhaps a good way to deal with the contents of a huge file.

  • 1
    readline() does not load all of the contents into memory. It does buffer some of the content, but definitely not all if it's a big enough file.
    – user183037
    Commented May 20, 2011 at 20:27

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