I would like to configure a Nuxt.js project to be able to eitheir run it using nuxt start or using electron. The goal is to have the same code for a web app and an electron app.

Is it possible to combine both fontionnalities in the same project?

2 Answers 2


Nuxt Community already have an electron-template for make it happen. You can take a look at main.js file to see the configuration or just init a project using:

vue init nuxt-community/electron-template my-project

Link: https://github.com/nuxt-community/electron-template


Nuxt Community template is out of updates.use the following boilerplate for nuxt+electron

# Install vue-cli and scaffold boilerplate
npm install -g vue-cli
vue init michalzaq12/electron-nuxt <project-name>

Link: https://github.com/michalzaq12/electron-nuxt

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