Where there is already a java substitute for this functional interface:

public interface FunctionA {
       public void run(Person person, Object target);

in the form of

BiConsumer<Person, Object>

is there one for this abstract class:

public abstract class ApplicationPlugin {

public abstract void init();


where usage is:

public class X extends ApplicationPlugin {
@Override public void init(){
  • Yes, Runnable.
    – daniu
    Jun 14, 2018 at 10:27
  • No idea why this was tagged assembly, because I don't see any CPU instructions or Java bytecode-asm (which has its own tag: java-bytecode-asm). Was this supposed to be tagged .net-assembly? Jun 14, 2018 at 10:46

1 Answer 1


Yes, you're looking for the Runnable interface which has a single method taking no parameters and has a void return type.


Runnable runnable = () -> doSomething();

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