What is the best way to find records with duplicate values in a column using ruby and the new Activerecord?
6 Answers
Translating @TuteC into ActiveRecord:
sql = 'SELECT id,
COUNT(id) as quantity
FROM types
HAVING quantity > 1'
Type.select("id, count(id) as quantity")
.having("quantity > 1")
7Is this code supposed to work for PostgreSQL as well? It returns the error
PGError: ERROR: column "quantity" does not exist
– MarcCommented Jan 29, 2012 at 2:33 -
6@Marc, I am not sure. But you can try
Type.select("id, count(id) as quantity").group(:name).having("count(id) > 1")
– fl00rCommented Jan 29, 2012 at 10:47 -
3@holaSenor - What is a non-exact duplicate, exactly? (pun intended) Commented Nov 19, 2014 at 19:34
1re fl00rs answer: Postgresql - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::GroupingError: ERROR: column "types.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function. But add it to the group-by (no error), and then you get zero hits, since no two records have the same id-value. I've tried several of these solutions, and all either don't return the ID in the result (so who knows where the dups were), or fail to find the desired records when the ID is included.– JosephKCommented Nov 26, 2017 at 12:23
Here's how I solved it with the AREL helpers, and no custom SQL:
Person.select("COUNT(last_name) as total, last_name")
.having("COUNT(last_name) > 1")
.map{|p| {p.last_name => p.total} }
Really, it's just a nicer way to write the SQL. This finds all records that have duplicate last_name values, and tells you how many and what the last names are in a nice hash.
I was beating my head against this problem with a 2016 stack (Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2), and got what I wanted with this:
> Model.select([:thing]).group(:thing).having("count(thing) > 1").all.size
=> {"name1"=>5, "name2"=>4, "name3"=>3, "name4"=>2, "name5"=>2}
With custom SQL, this finds types
with same values for name
sql = 'SELECT id, COUNT(id) as quantity FROM types
GROUP BY name HAVING quantity > 1'
repeated = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)
In Rails 2.x, select is a private method of AR class. Just use find():
:select => "id, count(the_col) as num",
:conditions => ["extra conditions here"],
:group => 'the_col',
:having => "num > 1")
3Totally off-topic, grave-digging comment here... but WHY IS THIS BETTER THAN SQL? Commented Dec 21, 2012 at 17:33
Here is a solution that extends the other answers to show how to find and iterate through the records grouped by the duplicate field:
duplicate_values = Model.group(:field).having(Model.arel_table[:field].count.gt(1)).count.keys
Model.where(field: duplicate_values).group_by(&:field).each do |value, records|
puts "The records with ids #{records.map(&:id).to_sentence} have field set to #{value}"
It seems a shame this has to be done with two queries but this answer confirms this approach.