Preface: This is something I'm not sure Kotlin can do, but I feel like it should be able to do.

Question: Is it possible to return a list composed from another lists' member variables without creating a separate function, via lambda, mapping, or otherwise?

I have a Kotlin inner class that has a name string representing a physical COM port. I have a routine that will poll for available COM ports on a device, and will return a list of the available port name strings for selection.

inner class ComPort() {

val portName: String = "something"

... }




private fun getComPortNames(): Array<String> {
  val names: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()

  for(comPort in availableComPorts)
    { names + comPort.portName }

  return names.toTypedArray()

Because getComPortNames() is only used in the one location, I would love to simplify this call into something equivalent to getComPortNames that I can use inline within .setItems(...). Is this possible within Kotlin? If so, how would one do it?

  • Assuming availableComPorts is a List<ComPort>, you simply want availableComPorts.map(ComPort::portName).toTypedArray(), is that what you're asking?
    – JB Nizet
    Jun 28, 2018 at 19:04
  • That is what I'm asking, correct. And that solution does work! Funnily enough I was close on an attempt I had but my syntax was slightly wrong. Thank you!
    – StuJ
    Jun 28, 2018 at 19:09

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure what availableComPorts actually is, but it looks like Iterable. If so then you may do something like:


UPD. You did't mention which Java you're using. I assumed it is Java 8.

  • That works, thank you very much! The ComPort::portName is what tripped me up on a previous attempt, so thank you very much for the clarification.
    – StuJ
    Jun 28, 2018 at 19:10
  • 1
    You're welcome! Lambda syntax in Kotlin look quite similar to ones in Java if you're familiar with it. Anyway official doc might be helpful.
    – zavyrylin
    Jun 28, 2018 at 19:14

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