I thought this would be simple when I tried to do it, however I'm stuck.

When I add octave-mode to my ~/.emacs thus:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ("\\.m$" . octave-mode))

Opening an Octave file, .m, I instead end up in the OBJC major mode ... this is because auto-mode-alist contains:

(\.m\' . objc-mode)

which comes first in the A-list.

I've tried:

(setq auto-mode-alist (delete '( \.m\' . objc-mode) auto-mode-alist))

and I've even tried:

(setq ama '())
(setq objc '(\.m\' . objc-mode))
   (dolist (item auto-mode-alist)
      (if (not (eq (cdr (last objc)) (cdr (last item))))
          (setq ama (list ama item))))
 (setq auto-mode-alist ama)

Any suggestions on either removing the objc-mode from the alist or ensuring that octave-mode supercedes it would be great.

  • 2
    auto-mode-alist contains ("\\.m\\'" . objc-mode) by default. Where are you seeing (\.m\' . objc-mode) with not-double-quoted string syntax?
    – phils
    Jul 1, 2018 at 9:56

3 Answers 3


There are essentially two questions here. One is how to remove the element from the list. The other is how to automatically open *.m files in octave-mode. You shouldn't need to remove the element to override it. The provided form

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ("\\.m$" . octave-mode))

causes an error. Instead you should use

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m$" . octave-mode))

or better yet:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m\\'" . octave-mode))

These two forms will add the element to the beginning of the association list, meaning filenames will be checked against it first, never making it to the objc-mode element lower down the list.

If you really want to remove the element from the list, here are a couple of ways.

One way that only deletes the exact cons cell '("\\.m\\'" . objc-mode):

(setq auto-mode-alist (delete '("\\.m\\'" . objc-mode) auto-mode-alist))

Another way that will delete anything in the association list associated with "\\.m\\'":

(require 'cl-lib)
(cl-remove "\\.m\\'" auto-mode-alist :test 'equal :key 'car)
  • 1
    Apparently delete already delete the item from the original list, you may want to use remove in its place, or just the internal command (delete '("\\.m\\'" . objc-mode) auto-mode-alist)
    – campisano
    Apr 11, 2021 at 2:40

There's three obstacles here:

  1. Quoting and regexp syntax at the same time
  2. assq-delete-all (the obvious choice) uses eq to compare the keys, which only succeeds (and thus deletes) it finds the same object - it won't succeed if it sees only an identical string
  3. assq-delete-all does not guarantee to modify the list, so another setq is necessary

The solution is clear: find the car object in the alist. Like:

(setq auto-mode-alist (assq-delete-all (car (rassoc 'objc-mode auto-mode-alist)) auto-mode-alist))

After that, You can

(setq auto-mode-alist (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.m\'" . octave-mode)))


To add to what was already said, for completion.

For some modes, the auto-mode-alist contains several different entries associating different file extensions to a mode. For example, the racket-mode uses 3 entries:

 ("\\.rktl\\'" . racket-mode)
 ("\\.rktd\\'" . racket-mode)
 ("\\.rkt\\'" . racket-mode)

If you want to remove those, the single assq-delete-all on the mode symbol is not sufficient, you must loop with something like this:

  (while (rassoc 'racket-mode auto-mode-alist)
    (setq auto-mode-alist
          (assq-delete-all (car (rassoc 'racket-mode auto-mode-alist))

I ran on this issue with racket-mode because the built-in scheme-mode associate the .rtk files with scheme-mode and this association was closer to the head of the auto-mode-alist than the ones to racket-mode. Trying to add a new one failed because it was already present. To be able to have racket-mode used with .rkt files while scheme-mode still available for other scheme files, I had to remove the racket-mode entries first and them add them back, placing them in front of the association with the scheme-mode.

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