I'm currently writing an unit test to check if http/2
is supported.
Is there a curl
one-liner which checks if http/2
is supported and outputs a response that is easy to parse?
HTTP/2 supported:
$ curl -sI https://curl.se -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
HTTP/2 not supported (instead serving 1.1 in this case):
$ curl -sI http://curl.se -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
(curl 7.50.0 or later is required for this command line to work)
Since curl 7.88.1, if you build curl to support HTTP/3, the above one-liner can be extended to also check for HTTP/3 support like this:
$ curl -sI --http3 https://curl.se -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
(curl -ksI ...
) if you're testing a server with self-signed certs.
curl --version
and look for HTTP2 on the Features list
Here you can find a list of Tools for debugging, testing and using HTTP/2.
Probably the easiest one from the command line is:
$ is-http2 www.cloudflare.com
But that requires npm install -g is-http2-cli
For testing using curl
you may need to compile it using the nghttp library, in macOS this can be done by using brew
you could use:
$ brew install curl --with-nghttp2
And then you could use what @daniel-stenberg suggests in his answer
$ curl -sI https://curl.haxx.se -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
In where you will get a 2 if http2 is supported.
I used
curl -kvso /dev/null --http2 https://app.domain.com:443
which returned
> GET / HTTP/2
< HTTP/2 302
this is not checking if HTTP2 is supported, but check if HTTP2 actually works.
-kvso /dev/null
is short form to more verbose option list: --insecure --verbose --silent --output /dev/null
- I suggest to consult curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html and Ctrl+F those options there to see details.
Sep 7, 2020 at 6:52
You could simply do:
curl --http2 --head domain.com
Accepted answer doesn't work for h2c in the example I'm looking at. Instead use:
curl --http2 -sI https://curl.se -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
In mac, we can check the curl supported HTTP versions using the below command
curl --manual | grep "\-\-http" -A 10
--http0.9 - Tells curl to be fine with HTTP version 0.9 response
--http1.0 - Tells curl to use HTTP version 1.0 instead of using its internally preferred HTTP version.
--http1.1 - Tells curl to use HTTP version 1.1.
--http2 - Tells curl to use HTTP version 2.
--http3 - Tells curl to try HTTP/3 to the host in the URL, but fallback to earlier HTTP versions if the HTTP/3 connection establishment fails. HTTP/3 is only available for HTTPS and not for HTTP URLs.
$ curl -sI --http1.0 https://example.com -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
$ curl -sI --http1.1 https://example.com -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
$ curl -sI --http2 https://example.com -o/dev/null -w '%{http_version}\n'
Since example.com is configured to support HTTP\1.0, HTTP\1.1 and HTTP\2, it responds with corresponding HTTP version based on the incoming request from curl.