How can I separate this number 1234567890' to1,234,567,890` with using pipe Angular ?
I try it by this code but show me: 1,234,567,890,000

{{ item.price | number:'3.3' }}

3 Answers 3


Use it this way:

{{ item.price | number: '3.' }}

This will remove the digits after decimal.

  • It's work thanks, but when I remove : '3.' and then works Jul 14, 2018 at 10:06

In order to get rid of the extra 0's and to produce 1,234,567,890 Use the following pipe:

{{ item.price | number: '3.'}}


1 234 567 890

The correct format is to set 3.0-0 to remove the digits after decimal.

{{31544543.512 | number :'3.0-0'}} // => 31,544,544

Check the sample section at DecimalPipe

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