Say we have this web server to handle requests:

let webApp = scope {
    get  "/api/zoo/animals/"    (getAllAnimals())
    getf "/api/zoo/animals/%s"  getAnimalInfo

This syntax is described in docs and demoed in the example.

Now, what if I want to have a param in the url query, e.g. to filter the results?


This does not do anything:

getf "/api/zoo/animals?type=%s" getAnimalsByType
  • 1
    One thing that is different between your question and your answer is the trailing slash in the URL. Giraffe (which Saturn builds on) treats URLs with and without trailing slashes as different URLs, following the HTTP spec. So if the URL you want to allow is .../animals?type=mammals, then your scope needs to include get ".../animals" (no trailing slash). I know you mentioned that in your answer, but I want to point it out specifically, for anyone else who might find this question later.
    – rmunn
    Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 16:59

3 Answers 3


See the example here:


It shows how to bind the data from a query string so you don't have to use GetQueryStringValue

In your case I think something like this might work.

type AnimalType =
    { type : string }

let animal (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
    // Binds the query string to a Car object
    let animal = ctx.BindQueryString<AnimalType>()

    // Sends the object back to the client
    Successful.OK animal next ctx

let web_app  =

    router {    
        pipe_through (pipeline { set_header "x-pipeline-type" "Api" })
        post "/api/animal" animal

A way to go is to use function GetQueryStringValue of the context. It returns Result, a struct DU.

So you stay with initial signature (just remove the trailing slash):

get "/api/zoo/animals" (getAnimals())

And you have

let getAnimals() : HttpHandler =
    fun _ ctx -> task { 
        let animalTypeFromQuery = ctx.GetQueryStringValue "type"
        let animalType =
            match animalTypeFromQuery with
            | Ok t    -> Some t
            | Error _ -> None

I do not know if this is the official practice, I found this practice in some F# github repos.


struggled with POST parameters in Gigraff POST

#light "off"
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Giraffe
open FSharp.Data.Sql
open Giraffe.ViewEngine

let indexView = createPage ("test post") [
   let row i d = tr [] [
        td [] [ str (string(i)) ];
        td [] [ str d ]] in
   let db_ctx = mssql.GetDataContext() in
   let rows = [ for r in db_ctx.Dbo.Data do 
           (row r.Id r.Data) done ] in
   form [_method "POST"; _action "/"; _enctype "multipart/form-data"] [
       button [] [str "Add row!" ]  
       input [ _type "text"; _name "Id"]  
       input [ _type "text"; _name "Data"]
       div[] rows



  let chk s = not (String.IsNullOrEmpty s)
  let indexHandler : HttpHandler =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) -> task { return! (
         if ctx.Request.ContentType.StartsWith( "multipart/form-data") then begin 
           let id = (ctx.Request.Form.Item("Id").ToString()) in
           let data = (ctx.Request.Form.Item("Data").ToString()) in
           if chk id && chk data 
              && not (Regex.IsMatch( id,"[^\\d]"))  then begin
              let db_ctx = mssql.GetDataContext() in
              db_ctx.Dbo.Data.Create( int(id),data) |> ignore;
         htmlView indexView
      ) next ctx


GET >=> route "/" >=> indexHandler;
POST >=> route "/" >=> indexHandler;

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