This may be somewhat related to Pass ILogger or ILoggerFactory to constructors in AspNet Core?, however this is specifically about Library Design, not about how the actual application that uses those libraries implement its logging.

I am writing a .net Standard 2.0 Library that will be installed via Nuget, and to allow people using that Library to get some debug info, I'm depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions to allow a standardized Logger to be injected.

However, I'm seeing multiple interfaces, and sample code on the web sometimes uses ILoggerFactory and creates a logger in the ctor of the class. There's also ILoggerProvider which looks like a read-only version of the Factory, but implementations may or may not implement both interfaces, so I'd have to pick. (Factory seems more common than Provider).

Some code I've seen uses the non-generic ILogger interface and might even share one instance of the same logger, and some take an ILogger<T> in their ctor and expect the DI container to support open generic types or explicit registration of each and every ILogger<T> variation my library uses.

Right now, I do think that ILogger<T> is the right approach, and maybe a ctor that doesn't take that argument and just passes a Null Logger instead. That way, if no logging is needed, none is used. However, some DI containers pick the largest ctor and thus would fail anyway.

I'm curious of what I'm supposed to be doing here to create the least amount of headache for users, while still allowing proper logging support if desired.

  • 1
    It seems like Microsoft injects ILoggerFactory for Library design... however as I explained below I don't think injecting a factory is a good solution. Oct 18, 2021 at 22:16
  • @HoomanBahreini have you never coded with strategy pattern and abstract factory is a DI solution?
    – GregJF
    May 2, 2023 at 0:14

12 Answers 12



We have 3 interfaces: ILogger, ILoggerProvider and ILoggerFactory. Let's look at the source code to find out their responsibilities:

ILogger: is responsible for writing a log message of a given Log Level.

ILoggerProvider: is responsible for creating an instance of ILogger (you are not supposed to use ILoggerProvider directly to create a logger)

ILoggerFactory: you can register one or more ILoggerProviders with the factory, which in turn uses all of them to create an instance of ILogger. ILoggerFactory holds a collection of ILoggerProviders.

In the example below, we are registering 2 providers (console and file) with the factory. When we create a logger, the factory uses both of these providers to create an instance of Logger:

ILoggerFactory factory = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole();    // add console provider
factory.AddProvider(new LoggerFileProvider("c:\\log.txt"));   // add file provider
Logger logger = factory.CreateLogger(); // creates a console logger and a file logger

So the logger itself maintains a collection of ILoggers, and it writes the log message to all of them. Looking at Logger source code we can confirm that Logger has an array of ILoggers (i.e. LoggerInformation[]), and at the same time it is implementing ILogger interface.

Dependency Injection

MS documentation provides 2 methods for injecting a logger:

1. Injecting the factory:

public TodoController(ITodoRepository todoRepository, ILoggerFactory logger)
    _todoRepository = todoRepository;
    _logger = logger.CreateLogger("TodoApi.Controllers.TodoController");

creates a Logger with Category = TodoApi.Controllers.TodoController.

2. Injecting a generic ILogger<T>:

public TodoController(ITodoRepository todoRepository, ILogger<TodoController> logger)
    _todoRepository = todoRepository;
    _logger = logger;

creates a logger with Category = fully qualified type name of TodoController

In my opinion, what makes the documentation confusing is that it does not mention anything about injecting a non-generic, ILogger. In the same example above, we are injecting a non-generic ITodoRepository and yet, it does not explain why we are not doing the same for ILogger.

According to Mark Seemann:

An Injection Constructor should do no more than receiving the dependencies.

Injecting a factory into the Controller is not a good approach, because it is not Controller's responsibility to initialize the Logger (violation of SRP). At the same time injecting a generic ILogger<T> adds unnecessary noise. See Simple Injector's blog for more details: What’s wrong with the ASP.NET Core DI abstraction?

What should be injected (at least according to the article above) is a non-generic ILogger, but then, that's not something that Microsoft's Built-in DI Container can do, and you need to use a 3rd party DI Library. These two documents explain how you can use 3rd party libraries with .NET Core.

This is another article by Nikola Malovic, in which he explains his 5 laws of IoC.

Nikola’s 4th law of IoC

Every constructor of a class being resolved should not have any implementation other than accepting a set of its own dependencies.

  • 19
    Your answer and Steven's article are most correct and most depressing at the same time.
    – bokibeg
    Jul 11, 2019 at 15:58
  • 2
    If AddConsole is not found, make sure that NuGet "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console" is installed, your source file includes using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;. Then finally try ILoggerFactory factory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()); Oct 14, 2020 at 8:35
  • 1
    If LoggerFileProvider is not found, use FileLoggerProvider from NuGet "NReco.Logging.File". Oct 14, 2020 at 8:38
  • 2
    Sorry which article and specifically what part of text are you claiming explains why ILogger<T> being injected is a bad thing? I agree about not injecting a factory in general but why is ILogger<T> worse than ILogger? T is typically the consuming class that is taking the dependency Nov 26, 2020 at 12:48
  • 4
    Quoting Steven's comments on this question: "Injection of a ILogger<T> is just noise to the consumer that can lead to accidental errors when a wrong T is specified and it complicates testing."... "Injecting ILoggerFactory and ILogger<T> is a terrible idea, and as I see it, the only reason Microsoft is doing this (and promoting it publicly) is because their built-in container lacks the possibility to map a non-generic interface to a generic implementation." Nov 26, 2020 at 22:22

Those are all valid except for ILoggerProvider. ILogger and ILogger<T> are what you're supposed to use for logging. To get an ILogger, you use an ILoggerFactory. ILogger<T> is a shortcut to get a logger for a particular category (shortcut for the type as the category).

When you use the ILogger to perform logging, each registered ILoggerProvider gets a chance to handle that log message. It's not really valid for consuming code to call into the ILoggerProvider directly.

  • Thanks. This makes me think that an ILoggerFactory would be great as an easy way to wire up DI for consumers by only having 1 dependency ("Just give me a Factory and I'll create my own loggers"), but would prevent using an existing logger (unless the consumer uses some wrapper). Taking an ILogger - generic or not - allows the consumer to give me a logger they specially prepared, but makes the DI setup potentially a lot more complex (unless a DI container that supports Open Generics is used). Does that sound correct? In that case, I think I'll go with the factory. Jul 17, 2018 at 19:10
  • 4
    @MichaelStum - I'm not sure I follow your logic here. You're expecting your consumers to use a DI system but then are wanting to take over and manually manage dependencies within your library? Why would that seem the right approach? Jul 18, 2018 at 10:26
  • @Damien_The_Unbeliever That is a good point. Taking a factory seems odd. I think that instead of taking an ILogger<T>, I'll take an ILogger<MyClass> or even just ILogger instead - that way, the user can wire it up with only a single registration, and without requiring open generics in their DI container. Leaning towards the non-generic ILogger, but will experiment a lot over the weekend. Jul 20, 2018 at 5:09

When writing a library, ILoggerFactory or ILoggerFactory<T> is the way to go.


As a library author, you may care about:

  • The content of a message
  • The severity of a message
  • The category/class/grouping of a message

You may not care about:

  • Which logging library a consumer uses
  • Whether a logging library is provided at all

When I write libraries:

I write classes in such a way that I control the content and severity of messages (and sometimes the category) while allowing the consumer to choose whatever logging implementation they desire or none at all if they so choose.


Non-generic class

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;

public class MyClass
  private readonly ILogger _logger;

  public MyClass(
    ..., /* required deps */
    ..., /* other optional deps */
    ILoggerFactory? loggerFactory)
    _logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger<MyClass>()
      ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance.CreateLogger<MyClass>();

Generic class

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;

public class MyClass<T>
  private readonly ILogger<T> _logger;

  public MyClass<T>(
    ..., /* required deps */
    ..., /* other optional deps */
    ILoggerFactory? loggerFactory)
    _logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger<T>()
      ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance.CreateLogger<T>();

Now you can:

  • Use the full MS ILogger interface to do all your logging, not caring if there really is a logger at all
  • Substitute the generic CreateLogger<T>() for the non-generic CreateLogger("") if you need to control the category.

For the grumbles:

  • Yes, you could use ILogger, or ILogger<T> in the constructor if you don't care about the category, but I'm proposing this as the most universal/generic way, that gives you the most options without stepping on the consumer.
  • The consumer can still override the category with the configuration of the log factory or their logger implementation.
  • You're not necessarily initializing anything by accepting a log factory, It's up to the DI container configuration/consumer
  • The null logger doesn't count as overhead in my book since we're using a single instance
  • The consumer can pass in a NullLoggerFactory, if they want to
  • And if you're really overkill, you can have a library configuration setting that (with a modification to the constructor) will enable/disable logging for the library (conditionally force the NullLogger)
  • I completly doesn't understand a word about those injections things, but with you explanation it works ! Thank you very much.
    – SuperPoney
    Jan 20, 2022 at 16:10
  • 1
    One big advantage I see with using ILoggerFactory is, that if you use AnotherLib (that may accept ILogger or ILoggerFactory) within MyLib, you can create a new logger with a dedicated category for AnotherLib. It would be confusing to have log entries from AnotherLib logged in the category "MyLib".
    – Rev
    Oct 6, 2022 at 7:51

The ILogger<T> was the actual one that is made for DI. The ILogger<T> came in order to help implement the factory pattern much more easily, instead of you writing on your own all the DI and Factory logic, that was one of the smartest decisions in ASP.NET Core

You can choose between:

ILogger<T> if you have a need to use factory and DI patterns in your code or you could use the ILogger, to implement simple logging with no DI needed.

Given that, the ILoggerProvider is just a bridge to handle each of the registered log's messages. There is no need to use it, as it does not effect anything that you should intervene in code. It listens to the registered ILoggerProvider and handles the messages. That's about it.

  • 2
    What does ILogger vs ILogger<T> have to do with DI? Either would be injected, no? Feb 22, 2019 at 21:08
  • 1
    It's actually ILogger<TCategoryName> in MS Docs. It derives from ILogger and adds no new functionality except the class name to log. This also provides a unique type so the DI injects the correctly named logger. Microsoft extensions extend the non-generic this ILogger. Apr 22, 2020 at 12:53

Sticking to the question, I believe ILogger<T> is the right option, considering downside of other options:

  1. Injecting ILoggerFactory force your user to give away the control of the mutable global logger factory to your class library. Moreover, by accepting ILoggerFactory your class now can write to log with any arbitrary category name with CreateLogger method. While ILoggerFactory is usually available as a singleton in DI container, I as a user would doubt why any library would need to use it.
  2. While the method ILoggerProvider.CreateLogger looks like it, it is not intended for injection. It is used with ILoggerFactory.AddProvider so the factory can create aggregated ILogger that writes to multiple ILogger created from each registered providers. This is clear when you inspect the implementation of LoggerFactory.CreateLogger
  3. Accepting ILogger also looks like the way to go, but it is impossible with .NET Core DI. This actually sounds like the reason why they needed to provide ILogger<T> at the first place.

So after all, we have no better choice than ILogger<T>, if we were to choose from those classes.

Another approach would be to inject something else that wraps non-generic ILogger, which in this case should be non-generic one. The idea is that by wrapping it with your own class, you take full control of how user could configure it.

  • Why is ILogger impossible? We accidentally tried this out by registering a singleton instance in the services and and found that in the constructor, an ILogger was provided by DI, but it wasn't logging.
    – xr280xr
    Oct 12, 2023 at 5:21

For library design, good approach would be:

  1. Do not force consumers to inject logger to your classes. Simply create another constructor passing NullLoggerFactory.

    class MyClass
        private readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
        public MyClass():this(NullLoggerFactory.Instance)
        public MyClass(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
          this._loggerFactory = loggerFactory ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance;
  2. Limit number of categories which you use when you create loggers to allow consumers configure logs filtering easily.


The default approach is meant to be ILogger<T>. This means that in the log the logs from the specific class will be clearly visible because they will include the full class name as the context. For example if the full name of your class is MyLibrary.MyClass you will get this in the log entries created by this class. For example:

MyLibrary.MyClass:Information: My information log

You should use the ILoggerFactory if you want to specify your own context. For example that all the logs from your library have the same log context instead every class. For example:


And then the log will look like this:

MyLibrary:Information: My information log

If you do that in all classes then the context will be just MyLibrary for all classes. I imagine you would want to do that for a library if you don't want to expose the inner class structure in the logs.

Regarding the optional logging. I think you should always require the ILogger or ILoggerFactory in the constructor and leave it to the consumer of the library to turn it off or provide a Logger that does nothing in the dependency injection if they don't want logging. It is very easy to turn of the logging for a specific context in the configuration. For example:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning",
      "MyLibrary": "None"

I would prefer to keep it simple and inject the non generic ILogger

This seems to be non-default behavior - but is easily wired up with the following:

services.AddTransient(s => s.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger(""));
  • 1
    Why giving this advice? Logging to the "default" logger just disables all configuration and filtering you can do on categories.
    – Wouter
    Dec 13, 2020 at 0:11
  • 2
    Because maybe someone doesn't care about features like that. Spent 13 years without filtering on categories. Also, more advanced DI containers have the ability to resolve ILogger in a context-aware way to get an ILogger<[Class-Where-I'm-Injected]> at runtime, which I'd prefer most of the times over this not too nice "self-generic" bolierplate. Of course this is just my opinion. Oct 20, 2021 at 9:40
  • 1
    @ZoltánTamási But that is exactly what you get with ILogger<Class-Where-I'm-Injected>.
    – Wouter
    Jan 24, 2022 at 15:45
  • Because I prefer to keep it simple. Simple is ILogger and not worrying about categories etc. Mar 21, 2022 at 23:25

This (injecting a ILogger into a constructor and calling base that needs ILogger) is only possible because ILogger<T> is covariant and is just a wrapperclass that has a dependency on the LoggerFactory. If it wasn't covariant you would definitely be using the ILoggerFactory or ILogger. But ILogger should be discarded because you could be logging to any category and you would loose all context regarding the logging. I think ILoggerFactory would be the best way to go and then use CreateLogger<T>() to create a ILogger<T> inside you class. This way you really have a nice solution because as a developer you would really like to align the category with your classes to jump right to the code and not to some unrelated derived class. (You could add linesnumbers.) You can also let your derived classes use the logger that is defined by the baseclass but then also where to start looking for the source code? Besides this I can imagine you might also have any other ILogger with special purpose category (sub)names in the same class. Nothing is preventing you from have multiple ILogger's in such a case ILoggerFactory just looks cleaner.

My preferred solution is to inject ILoggerFactory call CreatLogger<T> where T is the current class and assign it to a private readonly ILogger<T> logger

Or in case you already inject IServiceProvider you can call serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger<T>>();

Note that injecting the IServiceProvider is the service-locator pattern and is considered an antipattern. Injecting the ILoggerFactory is also a variation of the service-locator pattern.

Note: the service provider caches the loggers where the logger factory doesn’t. If using the service provider is undesirable a logger manager can be injected:

public interface ILoggerManager
    public ILogger<T> CreateLogger<T>();

public class LoggerManager : ILoggerManager
    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

    public LoggerManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

    public ILogger<T> CreateLogger<T>()
        return _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<T>>();

This added, because a lot of other search results link here. If you have a ILoggerFactory and you need to provide an ILogger<Whatever>, this is the way to create it: new Logger<Whatever>(myLoggerFactory)

  • 1
    Yes, but where does Logger come from? You'd have to choose a logging library (even if it's MS) in order to have access to that class. If you already have an ILoggerFactory and then use some random Logger class, that logger class has to have a constructor that accepts an ILoggerFactory. This only works if you know or control which log library is in use (or are just lucky). ILoggerFactory has .CreateLogger<T>() which actually uses the ILoggerFactory's Logger implementation class without you having/caring to know what it actually is. Jun 25, 2021 at 21:10
  • It comes from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, as described in the original question. Jun 28, 2021 at 7:19
  • Or use loggerFactory.CreateLogger<T>(); which does exactly that.
    – Wouter
    Jan 24, 2022 at 15:33
  • Thanks. However, ILoggerFactory.CreateLogger creates an ILogger instance, not ILogger<T>. If you're in fresh code it probably doesn't matter, but I think I was trying to shim some old code. If there's a way to get the ILogger<T> directly from the factory, that would be great. Jan 25, 2022 at 17:52

I've used this simple technique to inject Ilogger into my legacy classes that require a basic ILogger

services.AddSingleton<ILogger>(provider => provider.GetService<ILogger<Startup>>());
  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Dec 10, 2021 at 15:55

In my reading the approach in DI "should be" both.

a) When a class is being created, it takes in an ILogger<T> for that class/category. It logs all information to that object.

b) If a class also generates new objects itself that require a logger, it should also take in an ILoggerFactory and use that to supply loggers to the classes it creates.

That way each object's 'primary log' is directly delivered, but the logs for subordinate classes still receive a log with the all the providers configured etc at the Host level.

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