I have an application consists of a button, that starts counting time whenever the button is pressed, and finishes counting when it is pressed again, and so on.

What I want is a shortcut on home screen (if possible, a floating button; if not, just a shortcut) to do the same action as that button.

Is it possible to define actions for shortcuts? how can I achieve that? minSdkVersion = 16.
Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Here is the library link which creates a counter floating action bar.

And Here is the tutorial to make that FAB floating like in facebook messenger app.

What it does is it display's a floating action button as the overlay view when the application is in the background.

  • 1
    it helped me in making floating button, and I used "widgets" to implement stopwatch.
    – rkarimi
    Jul 22, 2018 at 13:20

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