The error message is a bit strange and I suppose it has to do with a difference between Visual Studio and CLANG so far as processing the source.
The compiler I have handy is Visual Studio 2005 and I have an MFC application I am working on so the MFC source for Visual Studio 2005 is handy. I took a quick look at Visual Studio 2015 with the same solution and it appears the MFC header files are similar. So I am going to base this on Visual Studio 2005 MFC.
macro located in afxmsg_.h is defined as the following:
#define ON_COMMAND(id, memberFxn) \
{ WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSigCmd_v, \
static_cast<AFX_PMSG> (memberFxn) },
// ON_COMMAND(id, OnBar) is the same as
// ON_CONTROL(0, id, OnBar) or ON_BN_CLICKED(0, id, OnBar)
is defined in the file afxwin.h as:
// pointer to afx_msg member function
#ifndef AFX_MSG_CALL
#define AFX_MSG_CALL
typedef void (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*AFX_PMSG)(void);
The class CCmdTarget
is a base class from which is derived other classes such as CWnd
and CWinThread
and other MFC classes that use a message map.
macro is using static_cast<>
to what should be a base class of the window or thread target. Perhaps someone else, more knowledgable can provide an actual explanation as to what the compiler is doing and how the C++ language specification would treat this construct.
However on a more practical note, what I suggest is that you write your own version of the ON_COMMAND()
macro and insert this version in the StdAfx.h file that is in each project of your solution. I picked the StdAfx.h file since there is only one per project and it is a central point where a single modification can affect multiple compile units.
At the bottom of the file after all the various includes and before the #endif
that closes the test for the header file already included, add the following lines of source.
#define ON_COMMAND(id, memberFxn) \
{ WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSigCmd_v, \
static_cast<AFX_PMSG> (&ThisClass :: memberFxn) },
// ON_COMMAND(id, OnBar) is the same as
// ON_CONTROL(0, id, OnBar) or ON_BN_CLICKED(0, id, OnBar)
This does two things.
First of all it undefines the current definition of the ON_COMMAND()
macro so that you can replace it with your own.
Secondly it uses the class method membership notation for the method pointer. I am unable to test with CLANG however it should do the same source text substitution as you did by hand which you say works.
ON_COMMAND(CID_ButtonAction, &SomeForm::OnButtonAction)
is a typedef for the class specified in the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP()
directive (e.g. BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFrameworkWnd, CWin)
) and is generated by the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP()
macro which looks like:
#define BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(theClass, baseClass) \
const AFX_MSGMAP* theClass::GetMessageMap() const \
{ return GetThisMessageMap(); } \
const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL theClass::GetThisMessageMap() \
{ \
typedef theClass ThisClass; \
typedef baseClass TheBaseClass; \
static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[] = \
I tested this approach with Visual Studio and everything compiles just fine and it works with Visual Studio 2005.
Please note there may be other message map macros which may require a similar workaround as the use of the static_cast<AFX_PMSG>
seems to be pretty common in most of the message map macros.
A curious difference
Looking into this, one curious difference in the various macros in afxmsg_.h is an entire set of macros that use the class method pointer notation. An example is the following:
#define ON_WM_PAINT() \
{ WM_PAINT, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_vv, \
(static_cast< void (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(void) > ( &ThisClass :: OnPaint)) },
Looking at some of the specific event macros, it appears that they reuse the ON_CONTROL()
macro so replacing that macro in addition to the ON_COMMAND()
macro would ripple down through the set of control specific MFC macros.
// Combo Box Notification Codes
#define ON_CBN_ERRSPACE(id, memberFxn) \
A summation
Using this approach of overriding the default macros with your own version, it appears that the include file afxmsg_.h contains a list of the what would need to change. It also appears that there are two sets of MFC macros that would need a replacement version, ones near the top of the file (beginning with ON_COMMAND()
) and a few macros near the bottom of the include file afxmsg_.h.
For instance the ON_MESSAGE()
macro would need a change to:
// for Windows messages
#define ON_MESSAGE(message, memberFxn) \
{ message, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_lwl, \
(static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(WPARAM, LPARAM) > \
(&ThisClass :: memberFxn)) },
I wonder why there is a mix of styles (possibly due to different people adding new macros over the years and not bothering to change the existing ones?). I am curious why this has not been addressed sometime during the last two decades as MFC dates from at least Visual Studio 6.x and there would have been opportunities to make the macros uniform. For instance the release of Visual Studio 2005 would have been a good time. Perhaps there was a concern for backwards compatibility with that huge Visual Studio 6.x MFC code base?
And now I know why the tailored, specific static_cast<>
. It allows for the detection of a class method with the wrong or non-matching interface signature with a compilation error. So the C-style cast is to make things right with the definition for the function pointer in AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY
and the static_cast<>
is to catch programmer errors due to a defective interface by issuing a compiler error if the method interface differs from what is expected.