I have a document with an order and a number of lines. I need to break the order into lines so I have a camel splitter set to xpath with the order line as it's value. This works fine.

However, what I get going forward is an element for the order line, which is what I want, but when converting it I need information from the order element - but if I try to get the parent element via xpath following the split, this doesn't work.

Does Camel create copies of the nodes returned by the xpath expression, or return a list of nodes within the parent document? If the former, can I make it the latter? If the latter, any ideas why a "../*" expression would return nothing?



1 Answer 1


Look at the split options that are available when using a Tokenizer: http://camel.apache.org/splitter.html

You have four different modes (i, w, u, t) and the 'w' one is keeping the ancestor context. In such case, the parent node (=the thing you apparently need) will be repeated in each sub-message



'w' mode:


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