I am new to R and need to do pairwise comparison formulas across a set of variables. The number of elements to be compared will by dynamic but here is a hardcoded example with 4 elements, each compared against the other:

#there are 4 choices A, B, C, D - 
#they are compared against each other and comparisons are stored:
df1 <- data.frame("A" = c(80),"B" = c(20))
df2 <- data.frame("A" = c(90),"C" = c(10))
df3 <- data.frame("A" = c(95), "D" = c(5))
df4 <- data.frame("B" = c(80), "C" = c(20))
df5 <- data.frame("B" = c(90), "D" = c(10))
df6 <- data.frame("C" = c(80), "D" = c(20))

#show the different comparisons in a matrix
matrixA <- matrix(c("", df1$B[1], df2$C[1], df3$D[1],
                df1$A[1],     "", df4$C[1], df5$D[1],
                df2$A[1], df4$B[1],     "", df6$D[1],
                df3$A[1], df5$B[1], df6$C[1],    ""),
              nrow=4,ncol = 4,byrow = TRUE)
dimnames(matrixA) = list(c("A","B","C","D"),c("A","B","C","D"))

#perform calculations on the comparisons
matrixB <- matrix(
      c(1,              df1$B[1]/df1$A[1], df2$C[1]/df2$A[1], df3$D[1]/df3$A[1], 
        df1$A[1]/df1$B[1],              1, df4$C[1]/df4$B[1], df5$D[1]/df5$B[1],
        df2$A[1]/df2$C[1], df4$B[1]/df4$C[1],              1, df6$D[1]/df6$C[1],
        df3$A[1]/df3$D[1], df5$B[1]/df5$D[1], df6$C[1]/df6$D[1],         1),
              nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
matrixB <- rbind(matrixB, colSums(matrixB)) #add the sum of the colums
dimnames(matrixB) = list(c("A","B","C","D","Sum"),c("A","B","C","D"))

#so some more calculations that I'll use later on
dfC <- data.frame("AB" = c(matrixB["A","A"] / matrixB["A","B"], 
                        matrixB["B","A"] / matrixB["B","B"],
                        matrixB["C","A"] / matrixB["C","B"],
                        matrixB["D","A"] / matrixB["D","B"]),
              "BC" = c(matrixB["A","B"] / matrixB["A","C"],
                        matrixB["B","B"] / matrixB["B","C"],
                        matrixB["C","B"] / matrixB["C","C"],
                        matrixB["D","B"] / matrixB["D","C"]
              "CD" = c(matrixB["A","C"] / matrixB["A","D"],
                        matrixB["B","C"] / matrixB["B","D"],
                        matrixB["C","C"] / matrixB["C","D"],
                        matrixB["D","C"] / matrixB["D","D"]))

dfCMeans <- colMeans(dfC)

#create the normalization matrix
matrixN <- matrix(c(
  matrixB["A","A"] / matrixB["Sum","A"], matrixB["A","B"] / matrixB["Sum","B"], matrixB["A","C"] / matrixB["Sum","C"], matrixB["A","D"] / matrixB["Sum","D"],
  matrixB["B","A"] / matrixB["Sum","A"], matrixB["B","B"] / matrixB["Sum","B"], matrixB["B","C"] / matrixB["Sum","C"], matrixB["B","D"] / matrixB["Sum","D"],
  matrixB["C","A"] / matrixB["Sum","A"], matrixB["C","B"] / matrixB["Sum","B"], matrixB["C","C"] / matrixB["Sum","C"], matrixB["C","D"] / matrixB["Sum","D"],
  matrixB["D","A"] / matrixB["Sum","A"], matrixB["D","B"] / matrixB["Sum","B"],     matrixB["D","C"] / matrixB["Sum","C"], matrixB["D","D"] / matrixB["Sum","D"]
  ), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

Since R is so concise it seems like there should be a much better way to do this, I would like to know an easier way to figure out these type of calculations using R.

  • Take a look at outer() and see if that's useful. E.g outer(c(80, 85, 60, 50), c(20, 15, 40, 45), "/"). I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do.
    – AkselA
    Jul 19, 2018 at 0:05
  • You still need to clarify in natural language what is intended. In particular the use of the term "normalization" is highly imprecise. It can mean so many things to various people. And using a comment like "these are things I will use later" is singularly unhelpful. If the answer below was on the mark you should hit the checkmark so people will know that it addressed your question adequately.
    – IRTFM
    Jul 19, 2018 at 16:58

1 Answer 1


OK, I might be starting to piece together something here.

We start with a matrix like so:

A <- structure(
  c(NA, 20, 10, 5, 80, NA, 20, 10, 90, 80, NA, 20, 95, 90, 80, NA),
  .Dim = c(4, 4),
  .Dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:4], LETTERS[1:4]))

#    A  B  C  D
# A NA 80 90 95
# B 20 NA 80 90
# C 10 20 NA 80
# D  5 10 20 NA

This matrix is the result of a pairwise comparison on a vector of length 4. We know nothing of this vector, and the only thing we know about the function used in the comparison is that it is binary non-commutative, or more precisely: f(x, y) = 100 - f(y, x) and the result is ∈ [0, 100].

matrixB appears to be simply matrixA divided by its own transpose:

B = ATA-1

or if you prefer:

B = (100 - A) / A

Potato patato due to above mentioned properties.

B <- (100 - A) / A
B <- t(A) / A

# fill in the diagonal with 1s
diag(B) <- 1

round(B, 2)
#    A    B    C    D
# A  1 0.25 0.11 0.05
# B  4 1.00 0.25 0.11
# C  9 4.00 1.00 0.25
# D 19 9.00 4.00 1.00

The 'normalized' matrix as you call it seems to be simply each column divided by its sum.

B.norm <- t(t(B) / colSums(B))

round(B.norm, 3)
#       A     B     C     D
# A 0.030 0.018 0.021 0.037
# B 0.121 0.070 0.047 0.079
# C 0.273 0.281 0.187 0.177
# D 0.576 0.632 0.746 0.707
  • I'm not sure if outer() does what I need to. To help clarify the question I'm starting with a matrix: Jul 19, 2018 at 5:01
  • I'm not sure if outer() does what I need to. To help clarify the question I'm starting with a matrix: A B C D A "" "20" "10" "5" B "80" "" "20" "10" C "90" "80" "" "20" D "95" "90" "80" "" Then I want to create a new matrix by multiplying corresponding elements of the matrix. For example in the new matrix A,B would be A,B / B,A of the first matrix, A,C in the new matrix would be A,C / C,A of the first matrix, etc. Hopefully that makes more sense. Jul 19, 2018 at 5:11
  • 1
    @ChristopherDavis: I suggest you drop the code and spell out in words what you're trying to do. Also show in a clear form what your input data is, and what you expect the output to look like.
    – AkselA
    Jul 19, 2018 at 8:48
  • @ChristopherDavis: If you want to do every comparison between vectors, between matrices, between a vector and a 3-dimensional array etc., then outer() is a good choice. If you are doing specific comparisons outer() might be confusing. It seems like you are looking for specific comparisons, but it's unclear to me precisely which.
    – AkselA
    Jul 19, 2018 at 8:54
  • Here is a link to an excel document that has input, output and the formulas I am trying to replicate in R. The inputs are the A-B, A-C, etc comparisons at the top, the output is the normalization matrix at the bottom. Jul 19, 2018 at 12:33

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