This is my goal trying to remove duplicates and also keep matched from the exploded value and the $classQuery statement selected

enter image description here

$examQuery = $examClass->get_examByID($id);

$examRow = $examQuery->fetch_assoc();

$classes = explode(',', $examRow['class_id']);

$classQuery2 = $con->query("SELECT * FROM `class` WHERE `school_id` = '{$examRow['school_id']}' ");
if ($classQuery2->num_rows < 1):
    $output .= '';

    while ($class_rows = $classQuery2->fetch_assoc()):
        foreach ($classes as $class):
            if ($class_rows['class_id'] === $class):
                $output .= '<option selected value="' . $class_rows['class_id'] . '">' . $class_rows['class_title'] . '</option>';
                $output .= '<option value="' . $class_rows['class_id'] . '">' . $class_rows['class_title'] . '</option>';
  • 1
    Are you comparing the class_id (I suppose that It's integer Type) with $class which type is Object ?? In line 14: if ($class_rows['class_id'] === $class):
    – R. García
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:08
  • $classes is an array of IDs and consequently $class is an id. So that part should be OK ... Jul 20, 2018 at 6:14
  • but am getting duplicates which i don't want Jul 20, 2018 at 6:16

2 Answers 2


You should be able to resolve this simply by putting a GROUP BY on your query;

$classQuery2 = $con->query("SELECT * FROMclassWHEREschool_id= '{$examRow['school_id']}' GROUP BY class_id");

Otherwise, I'd probably keep an array of ones already used and check if the key is in that before echoing;

For example;

// the array of items to loop over (which has a duplicate in it)
$myArray = ['english', 'maths', 'science', 'geography', 'english'];

// an array to place the item name when it's been used once
$alreadyUsed = [];

foreach($myArray as $item) {
    // if the item doesn't already exist in $alreadyUsed then 
    // echo it out and add it to the array.
    if (! in_array($item, $alreadyUsed)) {
        echo $item . "<br>";
        $alreadyUsed[] = $item;
  • Please am not getting it Jul 20, 2018 at 6:25
  • What are you not getting? Does that not work or do you not understand my answer?
    – Simon R
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:27
  • Change your query to this: $classQuery2 = $con->query("SELECT * FROMclassWHEREschool_id= '{$examRow['school_id']}' GROUP BY class_id");
    – Simon R
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:29
  • Then refresh in your browser
    – Simon R
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:29
  • i have done as instructed but i think my problem is coming from the while loop and foreach loop ... please i beg u help me analyze my code u get my problem Jul 20, 2018 at 6:34

You are comparing different Types!

If you want a good comparasion, you'll need to compare the values with the same type
e.g Integer === Integer || String === String || Object === Object

In your case, you have to compare the $class_rows['class_id'] with your class ID,
Something like that:

if ($class_rows['class_id'] === $class.id):
            # Successful Condition
            # Unsuccesful Condition
  • You haven't closed the if with endif;
    – Simon R
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:19
  • Also what is $class.id? $class is an integer (well far more likely a string which just looks like a number). Since databases very often return a number as a string this OP's type comparison should have no issues.
    – Simon R
    Jul 20, 2018 at 6:22
  • Thanks R.Garcia the major problem is to remove the duplicates Jul 20, 2018 at 6:30

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