I have a massive file with each line being unique. I have a collection of smaller files (but still relatively large) where the lines are not unique. This collection is constantly growing. I need to add the small files into the big file and make sure there are no duplicates in the big file. Right now what I do is add all the files into one, and then run sort -u on it. However this ends up rescanning the entire big file which takes longer and longer as more files come in, and seems inefficient. Is there a better way to do this?

  • 2
    Does each line have a smaller unique key? This sounds like you should be using a simple database, like dbm.
    – cdarke
    Jul 23, 2018 at 6:52
  • @cdarke Unfortunately I don't have a choice as to how the data is stored
    – trallgorm
    Jul 23, 2018 at 12:48

1 Answer 1


If the big file is already sorted, it would be more efficient to sort -u only the smaller files, and then sort -u -m (merge) the result with the big file. -m assumes the inputs are already individually sorted.

Example (untested):

# Merges unique lines in the files passed as arguments into BIGFILE.

trap "rm $TMPFILE" EXIT

sort -u "$@" > "$TMPFILE"
sort -um "$TMPFILE" "$BIGFILE" -o "$BIGFILE"

This answer explains why -o is necessary.

If you like process substitutions you can even do it in a one-liner:

sort -um <(sort -u "$@") "$BIGFILE" -o "$BIGFILE"
  • Thanks, exactly what I was looking for
    – trallgorm
    Jul 23, 2018 at 12:47

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