I have created several Textarea widgets in Jupyter/Python in order to capture some string inputs.

In the highlighted in yellow that you can see below, the idea is that the user puts a list of numbers here (copied from Excel) and later I need to convert this text into a list or an array that contains these numbers (an iterable object). I have no idea how to do this. See:

enter image description here

When I print the type of this object that is called "plus" I get this:

<class 'ipywidgets.widgets.widget_string.Textarea'>

But, I am expecting to have something like this:

plus = [454, 555] 

Can I bounce some ideas off you to get this?

Thanks a lot!!!

1 Answer 1


If you have an ipywidget in general, you can observe its change and get its value as following.

foo = widgets.Textarea()
# to get the value
# to do something on value change
def bar(change):
foo.observe(bar, names=['value'])

You will then have to format the string you get from the products value, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

Hope this helps

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