I had similar problem and ended up keeping generic WeakReference
, but removing type constraint:
struct WeakReference<T> {
private weak var storage: AnyObject?
var value: T? {
get { return storage.map { $0 as! T } }
set {
storage = newValue.map { $0 as AnyObject }
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
This works for classes, Objective-C protocols and Swift protocols:
protocol P: class {}
@objc protocol Q {}
class Z: P, Q {}
var z = Z()
var rz = WeakReference<Z>(value: z)
var rp = WeakReference<P>(value: z)
var rq = WeakReference<Q>(value: z)
assert(rz.value === z)
assert(rp.value === z)
assert(rq.value === z)
z = Z()
assert(rz.value === nil)
assert(rp.value === nil)
assert(rq.value === nil)
Unfortunately it compiles for other things too:
protocol R {}
struct S: R {}
var rr = WeakReference<R>(value: S())
print("rr =", rr.value as Any) // nil
var rs = WeakReference<S>(value: S())
print("rs =", rs.value as Any) // nil
In Swift anything can be casted to AnyObject
, but for value types that means boxing - new instance is allocated and immediately lost, so it always produces nil.
This can be used to implement an assertion that casting to AnyObject
preserves identity:
struct WeakReference<T> {
private weak var storage: AnyObject?
var value: T? {
get { return storage.map { $0 as! T } }
set {
storage = newValue.map {
let asObject = $0 as AnyObject
assert(asObject === $0 as AnyObject)
return asObject
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
Alternative approach would be to use https://github.com/wickwirew/Runtime to validate kind of T.self