i do some experiments with Scala types

and tried to do something like that:

case class Foo(name: String)
defined class Foo

scala> case class Bar(id: Int)
defined class Bar

scala> def process[A <: Foo with Bar](x: A) = println(x)
process: [T <: Foo with Bar](x: T)Unit

tried to run this:

scala> process[Foo](Foo("test"))
<console>:15: error: type arguments [Foo] do not conform to method process's type parameter bounds [T <: Foo with Bar]

scala> process[Bar](Bar(1))
<console>:15: error: type arguments [Bar] do not conform to method process's type parameter bounds [T <: Foo with Bar]

how do i can do this correctly without trait addition?

trait Printable
class Foo extends Printable
class Bar extends Printable

def process(x: Printable) = println(x)

Not like this. Is there are some other ways?

  • 1
    The linked duplicate question mentions several possibilities: 1) Overload process, one for Foo, one for Bar; 2) Use Either 3) Use Any / AnyRef with pattern matching. Then Daniel C. Sobral's answer proposes to 4) Use type-class witnesses to ensure that process accepts one the two explicitly whitelisted types. If you want real union types, you'll have to use Dotty or wait for Scala 3. Jul 25, 2018 at 12:19
  • [A <: Foo with Bar] means you want A to be subtype of Foo & Bar. You can't do that with classes. You could use traits instead trait Foo trait Bar def process[A <: Foo with Bar](x: A) = println(x) process[Foo with Bar](new Object with Foo with Bar) Jul 25, 2018 at 12:21
  • 1
    ok, i got it. Thanks!
    – HoTicE
    Jul 25, 2018 at 12:35