I'm trying to add and remove words from the NLTK stopwords list:

from nltk.corpus import stopwords

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('french'))

#add words that aren't in the NLTK stopwords list
new_stopwords = ['cette', 'les', 'cet']
new_stopwords_list = set(stop_words.extend(new_stopwords))

#remove words that are in NLTK stopwords list
not_stopwords = {'n', 'pas', 'ne'} 
final_stop_words = set([word for word in new_stopwords_list if word not in not_stopwords])



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_stop.py", line 10, in <module>
new_stopwords_list = set(stop_words.extend(new_stopwords))
AttributeError: 'set' object has no attribute 'extend'

3 Answers 3


Try this:

from nltk.corpus import stopwords

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('french'))

#add words that aren't in the NLTK stopwords list
new_stopwords = ['cette', 'les', 'cet']
new_stopwords_list = stop_words.union(new_stopwords)

#remove words that are in NLTK stopwords list
not_stopwords = {'n', 'pas', 'ne'} 
final_stop_words = set([word for word in new_stopwords_list if word not in not_stopwords])


You can use update instead of extend and replace this line new_stopwords_list = set(stop_words.extend(new_stopwords)) in this way:

new_stopwords_list = set(stop_words)

By the way, it can be confusing if you call a set with a name which contains the word list


Do list(set(...)) insted of set(...) because only lists have an method called extend:

stop_words = list(set(stopwords.words('french')))

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