I want to use SlimDX (DirectX 11) to render the contents of an Image in WPF.

The problem is that I can't find a way to link the SwapChain to a D3DImage. (The DirectX 11 example uses the SlimDX RenderForm.)

3 Answers 3


Direct3D 10 and 11 are not too different in API or how they work. A SwapChain is used to present to an hWnd, not required to render. This is the same with DX10, and even the very different DX9.

In any case, this example I made should be enough to help you take your Texture2D that you render to and pass it to WPF. Don't remember if I finished the DX11, but it's pretty much the same thing. http://jmorrill.hjtcentral.com/Home/tabid/428/EntryId/437/Direct3D-10-11-Direct2D-in-WPF.aspx

  • I wasn't sure how to create a new texture and use it as render target, but thanks to your answer I finally know what I was doing wrong. You're not using managed code for the D3DImageEx though, so I'm accepting mdm20's answer for this question.
    – Tamschi
    Commented Mar 13, 2011 at 12:41

You might want to go take a look a Jeremiah Morill's DirectCanvas implementation on Codeplex. He is also very helpful if you drop him a line.

  • This is interesting as a resource for examples, but doesn't answer my question as I want to use DirectX 11.
    – Tamschi
    Commented Mar 3, 2011 at 8:42

Look at the WPF example in the DX10 examples. It should work about the same for DX11 I think. Because the D3DImage only works with DX9 stuff, you need to use a dx10/11 shared texture.

  • This answers about half of my question: DX11 is quite different from DX10 and uses a SwapChain for rendering. What I need help with is how to render from the SwapChain into a Texture2D.
    – Tamschi
    Commented Mar 3, 2011 at 8:40
  • Actually DX11 isn't that different to 10, read the "upgrading to DX11" document on MSDN. It's a fraction of the effort of upgrading from DX9 to 10 or 11. As for the DX10 WPF example in the SlimDX SDK, I am having a lot of trouble getting this to run on some hardware/OS configs. It seems particularly failure-prone on Vista64.
    – U62
    Commented Apr 7, 2011 at 14:40

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