struct vec2
        struct { float x, y; };
        struct { float r, g; };
        struct { float s, t; };
    vec2() {}
    vec2(float a, float b) : x(a), y(b) {}
struct vec3
        struct { float x, y, z; };
        struct { float r, g, b; };
        struct { float s, t, p; };
        // Here is the problem with g++.
        struct { vec2 xy; float z; };
        struct { float x; vec2 yz; };
    vec3() {}
    vec3(float a, float b, float c) : x(a), y(b), z(c) {}

The code above compiles and works as expected in Visual Studio and so I can use it like

vec3 v1(1.f, 2.f, 3.f);
vec2 v2 = v1.yz; // (2, 3)

Not in g++ (MinGW).

src/main.cpp:22:23: error: member 'vec2 vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::xy' with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate
src/main.cpp:22:33: error: redeclaration of 'float vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::z'
src/main.cpp:18:30: note: previous declaration 'float vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::z'
src/main.cpp:23:32: error: member 'vec2 vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::yz' with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate
src/main.cpp:23:24: error: redeclaration of 'float vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::x'
src/main.cpp:18:24: note: previous declaration 'float vec3::<unnamed union>::<unnamed struct>::x'

I think I shouldn't be doing it like that in the first place. Any Ideas?

Edit: After reading a lot of articles and exploring open-source projects, I started to get how vector swizzling should be like and posted the solution below, still waiting for better answers though.

Edit 2: All vec* members must be accessed only from the parent like the GLM library.

3 Answers 3


Well, I've found the solution myself using only the C++ Standards.
No command-lines neither using compiler-specific code.

So this is my new and simple implementation

template<unsigned int I>
struct scalar_swizzle
    float v[1];
    float &operator=(const float x)
        v[I] = x;
        return v[I];
    operator float() const
        return v[I];
    float operator++(int)
        return v[I]++;
    float operator++()
        return ++v[I];
    float operator--(int)
        return v[I]--;
    float operator--()
        return --v[I];
// We use a vec_type in a template instead of forward declartions to prevent erros in some compilers.
template<typename vec_type, unsigned int A, unsigned int B>
struct vec2_swizzle
    float d[2];
    vec_type operator=(const vec_type& vec)
        return vec_type(d[A] = vec.x, d[B] = vec.y);
    operator vec_type()
        return vec_type(d[A], d[B]);
struct vec2
        float d[2];
        scalar_swizzle<0> x, r, s;
        scalar_swizzle<1> y, g, t;
        vec2_swizzle<vec2, 0, 0> xx;
        vec2_swizzle<vec2, 1, 1> yy;
    vec2() {}
    vec2(float all)
        x = y = all;
    vec2(float a, float b)
        x = a;
        y = b;
/* Debugging */
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, vec2 vec)
    os << "(" << vec.x << ", " << vec.y << ")";
    return os;
template<typename vec_type, unsigned int A, unsigned int B, unsigned int C>
struct vec3_swizzle
    float d[3];
    vec_type operator=(const vec_type& vec)
        return vec_type(d[A] = vec.x, d[B] = vec.y, d[C] = vec.z);
    operator vec_type()
        return vec_type(d[A], d[B], d[C]);
struct vec3
        float d[3];
        scalar_swizzle<0> x, r, s;
        scalar_swizzle<1> y, g, t;
        scalar_swizzle<2> z, b, p;
        vec2_swizzle<vec2, 0, 1> xy;
        vec2_swizzle<vec2, 1, 2> yz;
        vec3_swizzle<vec3, 0, 1, 2> xyz;
        vec3_swizzle<vec3, 2, 1, 0> zyx;
    vec3() {}
    vec3(float all)
        x = y = z = all;
    vec3(float a, float b, float c)
        x = a;
        y = b;
        z = c;
/* Debugging */
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, vec3 vec)
    os << "(" << vec.x << ", " << vec.y << ", " << vec.z << ")";
    return os;

Of course, you can add/create more swizzlings. Now with a little test.

int main()
    vec3 v0(10, 20, 30);
    std::cout << v0.zyx << std::endl;
    vec2 c(-5, -5);
    v0.xy = c;
    vec2 v1(v0.yz);
    std::cout << v0 << std::endl;
    std::cout << v1 << std::endl;
    vec3 v(50, 60, 70);
    vec2 d = v.yz;
    std::cout << d << std::endl;
    float f = d.x * d.y;
    std::cout << f << std::endl;

    return 0;


(30, 20, 10)
(-5, -5, 30)
(-5, 30)
(60, 70)

You can print the vectors for debugging with std::cout if you're not using an IDE as I did in gcc.


First, anonymous struct is a feature from C11, and is not allowed by C++, so it does not support class members with constructors (not a C struct). To write portable C++ code, you should avoid anonymous struct:

struct vec2 // use C++ style struct declaration
// struct is public by default
        struct { float x, y; } xy; // add member name, 
        struct { float r, g; } rg; // now the declaration declares a member 
        struct { float s, t; } st; // instead of an anonymous struct
    vec2() {}
    vec2(float a, float b) : xy{a, b} {}
                          // ^^^^^^^^ also change the initialization

struct vec3
        struct { float x, y, z; } xyz;     //
        struct { float r, g, b; } rgb;     //
        struct { float s, t, p; } stp;     // add member name
        struct { vec2 xy; float z; } vecz; //
        struct { float x; vec2 yz; } xvec; //
    vec3() {}
    vec3(float a, float b, float c) : xyz{a, b, c} {}
                                   // ^^^^^^^^ also change the initialization

Now the code compiles under GCC, but that's not enough. Under Clang with -pedantic-errors, you'll get several errors:

error: anonymous types declared in an anonymous union are an extension [-Werror,-Wnested-anon-types]

This is because you cannot declare a nested type in an anonymous union, so you should also move these struct definitions outside the union:

struct vec2
    struct XY { float x, y; };
    struct RG { float r, g; };
    struct ST { float s, t; };
        XY xy; 
        RG rg; 
        ST st; 
    vec2() {}
    vec2(float a, float b) : xy{a, b} {}

struct vec3
    struct XYZ { float x, y, z; };     
    struct RGB { float r, g, b; };     
    struct STP { float s, t, p; };     
    struct VECZ { vec2 xy; float z; }; 
    struct XVEC { float x; vec2 yz; }; 
        XYZ xyz;     
        RGB rgb;     
        STP stp;     
        VECZ vecz; 
        XVEC xvec; 
    vec3() {}
    vec3(float a, float b, float c) : xyz{a, b, c} {}

Although this solution works, you can only access the members via, for example, v.xy.x, instead of simple v.x. In addition, aliasing vec2 with two floats would result in undefined behavior. I think there is no standard solution to achieve vector swizzling perfectly.

For non-standard solution, one can use a proxy class without constructors instead of vec2 to make the compiler work. The GLM library also uses this idea. OP has already posted an answer as a complete implementation of this idea.

  • I should make them anonymous to work as expected. It didn't work with the example provided in this post. The problem is with only constructors, not the whole variables. Actually, I don't know much about C++17, How can std::variant achieve this?.
    – Beyondo
    Commented Aug 9, 2018 at 13:51

As for "member with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate", , is due to compiler running in compliance with older standard, because as of C++11, unions can have members with non-trivial constructors (you defined your own constructor, so it's non-trivial, details about this can be found here). Add -std=c++11 in your g++ compiler's arguments and this error will likely be gone.

Next. The only flags for g++ that could maybe make it compile your code are -fms-extensions and -fvisibility-ms-compat. Anonymous structs are a non-standard extension that Microsoft added to their compiler. Sorry, right now I can't test it, but I think that would do the trick.

And now some extras.

  1. Unlike in C, you shouldn't typedef structs in C++ — if you named your structs, you can refer to them using that name as type.
  2. Structs are public by default, no need in public here. Classes, however, are private by default.
  3. If your intent is to just be able to use GLSL math in C++, GLM is the way to do it. If you want to learn how to do it yourself you can refer to their source code (it is quite heavy with templates, though).
  4. Other g++ options can be found here.

Hope that this will help you at least somehow.

  • I already have my complete GLSL math library and it's faster, way better than GLM with extras and more GLSL-like, I was switching between struct and class definitions to debug the problem so I don't need to type public: every time, forgot to remove it. By the way, none of these command-lines worked. GLM itself doesn't support that feature. What makes my library more GLSL-like is that it has this feature so I've to fix it for all compilers or just let go it exactly as GLM did for the sake of the cross-platform compatibility... any other solution?
    – Beyondo
    Commented Aug 9, 2018 at 13:53
  • 1
    Here (github.com/g-truc/glm/blob/master/manual.md#section2) they say that for GLM will support swizzling if GLM_FORCE_SWIZZLE is defined before any other GLM file, and I really remember it working for me, but I used it on MSVC only. It has some quirks, which all detailed in the link I provided. About question, I sorry, I can't really help now if those flags didn't helped.
    – Shorrer
    Commented Aug 9, 2018 at 14:30
  • Woow! I didn't know that it can do it. Also, it compiles fine in any compiler without any flags... I'll try to look into the source code and understand how it works. Thanks a lot!
    – Beyondo
    Commented Aug 10, 2018 at 13:49

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