i've already seen this question a few times but i still don't get it. In Java, i can do this:

new Thread(new Runnable(){
  public void run() {

In my opinion, this is a very nice way to implement interfaces which implementations are only used once. Is there a way to do this in C#? I've already heard of delegates, but that only solves the problems partly since i can only implement one method. What is the "right" way to do that in C# if i have multiple methods? Do i have to implement another class for that?

Thanks in Advance! -Chris

EDIT: I don't want to make a new thread specifically. That was a more general question about the right way to do something like an anonymous implementation from Java in C#. It's not about that specific example.

  • Is there a way to do this in C#? - Nope.
    – BackSlash
    Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 8:39
  • Use ThreadStart delegate for Runnable implementation (related issue here). Note that C# doesn't have support to anonymous interface implementations, you need to create concrete class and define all methods there. Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 8:42

2 Answers 2


The general way to do this is C# is to create your own private class. As you noted, other approaches in C# (delegate/lambda) only work when the interface has just one method (i.e., a Java functional interface):


void testMethod()
    x = new ISomeInterface(){
        public void method1() { foo(); }
        public void method2() { bar(); }


void testMethod()
    x = new ISomeInterfaceAnonymousInnerClass();

private class ISomeInterfaceAnonymousInnerClass : ISomeInterface
    public void method1()
    public void method2()

Here is the simplest conversion when a Java functional interface is involved:


interface ISomeInterface
    void method();

void testMethod()
    x = new ISomeInterface(){
        public void method() { foo(); }


delegate void ISomeInterface();

void testMethod()
    x = () =>

Probably you've searched this before and by now the answer is: No. Noway in C#
But I think your main question is Why?

Short Answer: It can be designed in the next C# versions as a feature. It's absolutely possible.

Long Answer: If you want more details on why it's not added to the C# yet; there is a helpful conversation below this exact feature request in the Roslyn (an open-source .Net complier) page at GitHub. Check it out: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13


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