Could anyone give me a short explanation on the differences among bugs, issues, and tasks in TFS?

  • It would help to know which template you are using. For example: "Bug" has subtle differences between templates. Some templates use work items differently.
    – Vaccano
    Mar 3, 2011 at 18:36
  • 1
    I'd suggest you accept an answer or edit your question or comment on answers on what exactly you are looking for. Mar 18, 2011 at 0:14

4 Answers 4


For the Scrum TFS Process Template

  • Bug- Any problem in existing functionality, or missing functionality. Defect in code or requirement, error which is not designed to be.

  • Issue (Impediment)- Any problem which might block the development process, example : a third party driver you identified as dependency is not releasing on time, so it is an issue in your development process.

  • Task- Any work which is planned as part of development of your project, either as result of bug, or issue or requirements, including requirement analysis or development, or testing. etc.

For the Agile TFS Process Template

  • Bug- A bug communicates that a potential problem exists in the code that your team is developing.

  • Issue- An event or cause that may delay shipping.

  • Task- A task communicates the need to do some work. Each team member can define tasks to represent the work that they need to accomplish.

  • These would apply only to a Scrum process, I believe.
    – Didier A.
    May 9, 2013 at 16:05

When we used TFS in the past.

ISSUE - Is a problem reported by a user of the software that requires investigation. This could be a code bug or a requirement change (prior to it been made a change request)

BUG - Is a problem "in the code" confirmed by a developer. Information can be provided like possible causes and workarounds. Can be marked as fixed and link to source code check ins.

TASK - Is a work item that is given to people to complete. Such as a feature that needs to be completed. If it is a programming task, it can be linked to source code check ins.


See comment below. Just remember, use the system in a way that benefits your team. Everyone works differently.

ISSUE - Covers everything about the project which may require some work or investigation. It is not necessarily an issue with the code, but it creates a stating point for investigation. If an issue is raised, which requires a change to the project it may lead to a bug or task.

  • Would this be the standard way to use issues, bugs and tasks given the Agile methodology in TFS?
    – Didier A.
    May 9, 2013 at 16:06
  • 2
    No didibus. Jon's definitions are incorrect. Issue is an outside dependency for development - third party library, IT needing to stand up a server environment etc - and has nothing to do with the code under development. A bug is how you would label a code problem regardless if you're running Scrum or just Agile. A code bug that is reported by a user has a status of "New". Once it's confirmed, the status of the bug changes to "Confirmed". A requirement change on the other hand is entered as a User Story.
    – a11smiles
    Feb 4, 2015 at 2:07
  • @Joshua. 4 years on and working in different agile teams not just as a developer. I would agree, An issue covers everything, and could later link to a bug or a task if it is code related. It could however be raised as an infrastructural concern, i.e. update from .Net 4 to .Net 4.5 runtime.
    – JonWillis
    Mar 15, 2015 at 17:55

MSF Agile Work Item Types

MSF Agile contains the following work item types:

  • Bug. Represents a problem or potential problem in your application.
  • Risk. Represents a possible event or condition that would have a negative impact on your project.
  • Scenario. Represents a single path of user interaction through the system.
  • Task. Represents the need for a member of the team to do some work.
  • Quality of Service Requirement. Represents a requirement constraining how the system should work.

MSF CMMI Work Item Types

MSF CMMI contains the following work item types:

  • Bug. Represents a problem or potential problem in your application.
  • Change Request. Represents a proposed change to your application.
  • Issue. Represents a situation that may block work or is currently blocking work.
  • Requirement. Represents a description of what your application should do to solve a customer problem.
  • Review. Represents the results of a code, design, or deployment review.
  • Risk. Represents a possible event or condition that would have a negative impact on the project.
  • Task. Represents the need for a member of the team to do some work.

Please refer the links here which describes the details of Work Item Types:




Sometimes Error, Bug and defect is defined as A mistake in the code is called Error when it is identified by the testing team called a defect, and when it is accepted by the development team called Bug. If it does not meet with customer requirements as in the SRS document it is called Failure.

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