I use (or try) the Silverlight unittesting.

everything seems alright but the methods taged with attribute [TestInitialize] are not called before the [TestMethod]. Anyone knows a workaround ?

here is a sample where Method BeforeAnyTest is never called:

    public class TViewModel
        protected MockRepository MockRepository { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// This is strangely not called automatically before any test
        /// </summary>
        protected void BeforeAnyTest()
            MockRepository = new MockRepository();

        public void TServerStartupViewModelCtor()

            var smsa = MockRepository.StrictMock<IServerManagementServiceAgent>();

            ServerStartupViewModel ssvm = new ServerStartupViewModel(smsa);

1 Answer 1


Try to define it as public instead of protected ie:

public void BeforeAnyTest()
    MockRepository = new MockRepository();

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