checks if a type is one of the following types: bool
, char
, char16_t
, char32_t
, wchar_t
, short
, int
, long
, long long
(source). If you want to check if a type is the same as another type, std::is_same
can be used. Both can be combined to get the wanted result:
template <typename T> void output(T x)
if constexpr (std::is_integral<decltype(x)>::value && !std::is_same<decltype(x), bool>::value) {
std::cout << static_cast<int>(x) << " is integral but not a boolean" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << x << " is not integral" << std::endl;
or, since we already know the type of decltype(x)
, which is T
template <typename T> void output(T x)
if constexpr (std::is_integral<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, bool>::value) {
std::cout << static_cast<int>(x) << " is integral but not a boolean" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << x << " is not integral" << std::endl;
Another way can be to use a template specialization. This makes sure the other overload is being used to handle the boolean value.
template <typename T> void output(T x)
if constexpr (std::is_integral<T>::value) {
std::cout << static_cast<int>(x) << " is integral but not a boolean" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << x << " is not integral" << std::endl;
template <> void output(bool x)
std::cout << x << " is a boolean" << std::endl;