Is it possible to manually add snippets through react-ace component.

For example, adding snippet myFun to javascript:

# Function
snippet myFun
    function ${1?:function_name}(${2:argument}) {
                let x = 'test';
        ${3:// body...}

I went through the documentation,FAQ ,similar questions here and here.


1 Answer 1


After digging the source code, it is possible with ace.define(..):

import ace from 'brace';
import snippet from '../lib/json-snippet'

ace.define('ace/snippets/json', ['require', 'exports', 'module'], (e,t,n) => {
  (t.snippetText = snippet), (t.scope = 'json');

Snippet example:

const snippet = '# AddNode\n\
snippet addn\n\
        "nodeName": "${1:node_name}",\n\
        "algorithmName": "${2:algo_name}",\n\
        "input": []\n\

export default snippet;

Check out a demo here.

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