I am trying to get my isotope post page to work with a Load More button (as seen here: https://codepen.io/bebjakub/pen/jWoYEO). I have the code working on Codepen, but I couldn't get it working on the website.

Working Codepen (My (Filtering & Load More) - https://codepen.io/whitinggg/pen/qyvVwz

Live Page Link - Here

I am currently seeing this error in console in regards to my isotope.js file:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'filteredItems' of undefined
    at loadMore (isotope.js?v=2.2.7:53)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (isotope.js?v=2.2.7:48)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

Can anyone help with what this error means? Please help me to resolve the it.

My Isotope.js File

jQuery(function ($) {

    // with jQuery
    var $container = $('.grid').isotope({
      itemSelector: '.grid-item',
      layoutMode: 'packery',
      columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
      packery: {
        gutter: '.gutter-sizer'

     //Add the class selected to the item that is clicked, and remove from the others
     var $optionSets = $('#filters'),
     $optionLinks = $optionSets.find('a');

     var $this = $(this);
     // don't proceed if already selected
     if ( $this.hasClass('selected') ) {
       return false;
     var $optionSet = $this.parents('#filters');

     //When an item is clicked, sort the items.
     var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
     $container.isotope({ filter: selector });

     return false;

    // layout Isotope after each image loads
    $container.imagesLoaded().progress( function() {

  // Isotope Load more button
  var initShow = 15; //number of items loaded on init & onclick load more button
  var counter = initShow; //counter for load more button
  var iso = $container.data('grid'); // get Isotope instance

  loadMore(initShow); //execute function onload

  function loadMore(toShow) {

    var hiddenElems = iso.filteredItems.slice(toShow, iso.filteredItems.length).map(function(item) {
      return item.element;

    //when no more to load, hide show more button
    if (hiddenElems.length == 0) {
    } else {


  //append load more button
  $container.after('<button id="load-more"> Load More</button>');

  //when load more button clicked
  $("#load-more").click(function() {
    if ($('#filters').data('clicked')) {
      //when filter button clicked, set initial value for counter
      counter = initShow;
      $('#filters').data('clicked', false);
    } else {
      counter = counter;

    counter = counter + initShow;


  //when filter button clicked
  $("#filters").click(function() {
    $(this).data('clicked', true);



2 Answers 2


The issue behind why it was working on codepen and no on my site turns out to be a simple one. Cant remember why i did it now, but i had changed a line of code slightly from Codepen to site which seems to have caused the issue. That line was:

var iso = $container.data('grid'); // get Isotope instance

Should have been:

var iso = $container.data('isotope'); // get Isotope instance

problem is in this line.

var iso = $container.data('grid'); // get Isotope instance
when you print iso it will give you undefined value.

all code is fine as per my understanding. i tried same sample working fine.

 var iso = $container.data('isotope');

after using default functionality it is fine for me. if you try to console.log(iso); then it will print the object.

hope this will be helpful.

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