Simplified example:

typedef union {
    int foo;
    char* bar;
} int_or_str;

void baz() {
    int_or_str* bogus = malloc(sizeof(int_or_str) * 43);
    bogus[42].bar = "test";
    printf("%s\n", bogus[42].bar);
  1. Should this work, will the compiler assume all 42 members of bogus are char pointers? (Obviously, I could try this, but emphasis on "should").
  2. Is it even defined what happens when you access an array of unions in such a way?
  3. Suppose, I wanted an array of unions which actually hold differently sized values, is it legal? (I could store a layout separately, and compute the offset, if I was sure how union members are laid out in memory).

If you are wondering about motivation for this question: basically, I'm trying to come up with a solution for a run-time defined struct. My idea was to have an array of unions to represent struct fields, plus some meta-data recording how to access those fields.

  • 5
    That should really be int_or_str* bogus = malloc(sizeof(int_or_str) * 43); Aug 29, 2018 at 8:06
  • 1
    This seems a bit like XY problem. It's unclear what the you mean by 3 and with last paragraph. Please expand on them. Your example "works" in some cases, but I am afraid that you might draw wrong conclusions from that.
    – user694733
    Aug 29, 2018 at 8:07
  • you will probably be interested in this question : How can a mixed data type (int, float, char, etc) be stored in an array? Aug 29, 2018 at 8:08
  • @PaulOgilvie fixed, I typed the example here, so, sorry for typos.
    – wvxvw
    Aug 29, 2018 at 8:16
  • @SanderDeDycker yeah, that would work, but it wastes memory on tags, and, in my case, often times I can tell in advance that all union members are going to be of the same time.
    – wvxvw
    Aug 29, 2018 at 8:19

1 Answer 1


ad 1: Yes it will work.

ad 2: yes, it is perfectly defined.

ad 3: yes it is legal.

The whole idea of a union is that it can hold different types of elements. The size of the union will be the size of the largest element in the union. On a 64 bit system, that will probably be the size of the char *.

So no, the compiler will not assume that all elements are char pointers. That is why you have to use the dot nottion to tell the compile in your statement which type of element you want to access, and the compiler will generate the access.

But as Tom said, you can't know what type of element is currently stored; there must be an external reason (information) by which you know that. If it is important to know it, you should store the information in the data structure, for example:

typedef struct {
    int whatisthis;
    union {
        int foo;
        char *bar;
    } u;
} int_or_str;

and set it like:

int_or_str example;
example.whatisthis= 1;
example.u.foo= 1;

example.whatisthis= 2;
example.u.bar= "test";

and access like:

if (example.whatisthis==1) printf("%d\n", example.u.foo);
if (example.whatisthis==2) printf("%s\n", example.u.bar);

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