I want to achieve a setup similar to Heroku Review Apps without using Github. We use Bitbucket and the build-in Pipelines feature.

The target solution should look as follows: Depending on our Bitbucket Pipeline config, we would use PR creation or a manual build step to provision a Heroku app. The latter part is the one I am inquiring about: Is it possible to automatically provision an app from a template/recipe?

I stumbled upon Heroku Buttons. Is this similar to Ansible Playbooks and aids in fully automating the provisioning of Heroku apps?

2 Answers 2


I've written a tutorial on how to provision your Heroku infrastructure with Terraform. Link to tutorial: provisioning-your-infrastructure-as-code-with-heroku-terraform

In response to "Is it possible to automatically provision an app from a template/recipe", when you write your terraform code, you are building out your own template/recipe that can be re-used by spinning up or tearing down your infrastructure with a single command.

If you're curious about why you might want to use Terraform, check out this article.


Terraform is offering support for Heroku. I'll go ahead and try that out.

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