I am trying to create synonym in SAP WEB IDE. I created a new multi tenant project and also added a SAP HANA DATABASE MODULE under it. For creating a Synonym, I followed below steps:

1) I have created a user provided service (mydata-grantor). 2) Edited mta.yaml file to add the user provided service name in resources as below:

 - name: hdi_db
         schema: MYAPPDB
      hdi-container-name: ${service-name}
   type: com[![enter image description here][1]][1].sap.xs.hdi-container
 - name: mydata-grantor
   type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service

3) Created a .hdbgrants file to grant access and roles. 4) After completing above stpes, when I go to BUILD, I am getting and error that "build of myapp/db failed, check console logs for details. I am attaching the detailed error screenshot I am getting in console.

  • Can you attach the detailed log as mentioned please? Sep 4, 2018 at 9:51
  • The log mentions "Failed to laod resources". Addition to that, a specific message is "Failed to resolve reference for provided property: 7f05a67-0fd9-4d40-a897-578fa884f02e-e9nrcbmdvpjvr2pc-DriverBasedForecasting#predictiveservice_datagrantor#hdi-container-name" DriverBasedForecasting is name of the module. predictiveservice_datagrantor is the name of the user provided service. Sep 5, 2018 at 11:51


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