I import a component from external module which have a button.

On button click it does a console.log('test'); So it display 'test' in my console.

It's an external module so i can't access the code of this component. However i know the id of the button element. id='idtest'.

I'd like to open a confirm modal when i click on this button and execute the console.log('test') only if i click on 'ok' button and if i don't confirm, event does not happen.

Every solution, pure js or angular are appreciated.

Ever tried getting the element by id, add onclick and eventlistener and call event.stopPropagation()

  • Well, it's an external component. I assume it must implement an OutputEmitter. Because, I can't imagine it to be so poorly developed that it has a console.log message as a default behavior. It's pretty straight-forward working with those.
    – ak.leimrey
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 12:04
  • I simplified the problem to be understandable by everyone, offcourse it's another functionnality and i won't use window.confirm in my application. The key question is how to prevent Angular Event from external component DOMElement
    – Nolyurn
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 12:08

3 Answers 3


You can edit css display none of that button than add another button id=test2 Now, you can write dialog code for that button click event. If the dialog ends with yes, execute button click event

  • I'm sure there is cleaner way but your solution work and can be an option if i have no other one.
    – Nolyurn
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 12:09

You can use query selector to get hold of the button and add a listener on the click event.

document.querySelector('#idtest').addEventListener('click', function(){})

  • It does not tell me how to prevent angular event which is the main topic here.
    – Nolyurn
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 11:53
  • Oh okay. You can hide the button , add a clone of the button instead and on its click force the click event on the original button from your script as it is mentioned in the upvoted answer. Thanks!
    – Saurav
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 17:10

I would suggest using @ViewChild and then to something like this...

template: "<app-component #component></app-component>"

@ViewChild('component') public component: any


Since I don't know how that external component looks like, I can't offer you a better solution.

EDIT: However, it many cases it can lead to some nasty console errors and I wouldn't encourage using this. There rarely is a reason to stop a component from emitting the event. If the component doesn't suit your needs, you should prefer to use something else instead.

  • It would be long to explain, but i'm in a professionnal context, i must use this component, it is used by many team and i have a specific need to add a confirm modal on an event of this component
    – Nolyurn
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 12:41
  • Then indeed, I would suggest you go with @ViewChild. It's a pretty clean and angular way to get a specific dom object and get access to its contents. Overall, I would probably still go with upvoted solution. Might feel hackish, but it requires less meddling with the DOM
    – ak.leimrey
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 12:45

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