I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but I did not really know how to search for what I want. Consequently I did not find the answer.
So I'm using cakephp and I have a model called 'sponsor' which has many 'banners', 'activities' and 'vacancies'.
In the controller I now have:
public function index()
$sponsors = $this->Sponsor->find('all', [
'order' => [
'conditions' => [
'publish_from <' => date('Y-m-d'),
'publish_to >' => date('Y-m-d'),
If I check the variable $sponsors in the cakephp debug, I see for $sponsor: https://i.sstatic.net/4nVYZ.jpg
This is in principle how I want the $sponsors to look like, but what I want is conditioning on the activities for example. So that, for example, sponsor number 1 only has the activities that are in the future (so not all 3 but only 2). Of course I can loop over all the activities of a sponsor in the view and only do something with the ones that are in the future. But I was wondering if there is a controller solution.
Edit: To clarify: I do want all the sponsors (not only the sponsors that have activities in the future), but from one sponsor I only want the activities that take place in the future.