I have a factory that looks like:

factory :order_with_approval do
   status      'approved'
   association :approval, factory: :approval

Now, I need the approval model to take the order id and set it as the eventable id. I've been able to figure this out in the other direction by doing:

factory :cancellation do
  reason 'a reason'
  cancellation_date Date.current
  association :eventable, factory: :order

So what might work is if I can pass in something other than a new factory into the association. What I'd like to do is pass in the parent factory. Is that possible? Can I achieve this some other way?

1 Answer 1


Cross-references might be resolved with after clause as shown here:

factory :order_with_approval do
  status 'approved'
  association :approval, factory: :approval

  after(:build, :create) do |order, _evaluator|
    order.approval.update_attributes!(eventable: order)
  • This would work to solve the problem listed above, but I'm running into an issue where this is being done in a call back upon creation. So, the creation blows up before it gets the approval created.
    – Noah Clark
    Sep 12, 2018 at 18:16
  • Then just assign the value instead of calling update_attributes. Sep 13, 2018 at 4:23
  • It never gets to that step because the association blows up. I think there is a better way to structure the factories that I'm playing around with.
    – Noah Clark
    Sep 13, 2018 at 12:51
  • Create the approval association inside the after callback. Sep 13, 2018 at 14:14

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