When I used next and previous button for both month and day when i clicked on month next button it should be swipe only month not day and same as for day please help me...how can I do I am using this code but when I clicked next or previous button both month and dates are swipping I want individual

  @IBAction func year_leftbtnAction(_ sender: Any)

    calendar.setCurrentPage(getPreviousMonth(date: calendar.currentPage), animated: true)

func getPreviousMonth(date:Date)->Date
    return  Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .weekOfMonth, value: -1, to:date)!

@IBAction func year_rightbtnAction(_ sender: Any)

    calendar.setCurrentPage(getNextMonth(date: calendar.currentPage), animated: true)

func getNextMonth(date:Date)->Date
    return  Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .weekOfMonth, value: 1, to:date)!

1 Answer 1


You can use this function to switch any date component in FSCalendar 2.8.0 (with Swift 4.2/Xcode 10):

func switchDateComponent(component: Calendar.Component, isNextDirection: Bool) {
    if let nextDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: component, value: isNextDirection ? 1 : -1, to: calendar.selectedDate ?? Date()) {
        calendar.select(nextDate, scrollToDate: true)

Now if you need to select previous/next day you can call switchDateComponent(component: .day, isNextDirection: false) or switchDateComponent(component: .day, isNextDirection: true). For the month component it will be similar, just call switchDateComponent(component: .month, isNextDirection: false) or switchDateComponent(component: .month, isNextDirection: true).


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