I have an analytics tracker that will only call after 1 second and with an object where the intervalInMilliseconds
(duration) value is not deterministic.
How can I use jest.toHaveBeenCalledWith
to test the object?
test('pageStats - publicationPage (will wait 1000ms)', done => {
const track = jest.fn()
const expected = new PayloadTiming({
category: 'PublicationPage',
action: 'PublicationPage',
name: 'n/a',
label: '7',
intervalInMilliseconds: 1000 // or around
mockInstance.viewState.layoutMode = PSPDFKit.LayoutMode.SINGLE
const sendPageStats = pageStats({
instance: mockInstance,
remoteId: nappConfig.remoteId
mockInstance.addEventListener('viewState.currentPageIndex.change', sendPageStats)
setTimeout(() => {
mockInstance.fire('viewState.currentPageIndex.change', 2)
}, 1000)
fails with:
Expected mock function to have been called with:
{"action": "PublicationPage", "category": "PublicationPage", "intervalInMilliseconds": 1000, "label": "7", "name": "n/a"}
as argument 1, but it was called with
{"action": "PublicationPage", "category": "PublicationPage", "intervalInMilliseconds": 1001, "label": "7", "name": "n/a"}
I have looked at jest-extended but I do not see anything useful for my use-case.
EDIT: I want to highlight that all of the answers here are very useful and you can pick whichever suit your use-case. Thank you all - these answers are great!