so first of all i could not think of a better title for this question so i'm open for changes.
I am trying to validate a bean using the bean validation mechanism (JSR-380) with spring boot.
So i got a controller like this:
class UserController {
fun createUser(@Valid user: User, bindingResult: BindingResult): ModelAndView {
return ModelAndView("someview", "user", user)
with this being the User class written in kotlin:
data class User(
var roles: MutableSet<@NotNull Role> = HashSet()
and this being the test:
internal fun shouldNotCreateNewTestWithInvalidParams() {
.param("roles", "invalid role"))
.andExpect(model().attributeHasFieldErrors("user", "roles[]"))
Invalid Roles are mapped to null.
As you can see i want roles
to contain at least one item with none of the items being null.
However when testing the above code no binding errors are reported if roles
contains null values. It does report an error if the set is empty though.
I was thinking that this might be an issue with how kotlin code compiles as the same code works just fine when the User class is written in java. Like this:
@Data // just lombok...
public class User {
private Set<@NotNull Role> roles = new HashSet<>();
Same Controller, same test.
After checking the bytecode i noticed that the kotlin version is not including the nested @NotNull
annotation (see below).
private Ljava/util/Set; roles
@Ljavax/validation/constraints/NotNull;() : FIELD, 0;
@Ljavax/validation/constraints/NotEmpty;() : FIELD, null
private Ljava/util/Set; roles
@Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull;() // added because roles is not nullable in kotlin. this does not affect validation
Now the question is why?
Here's a sample project in case you want to try some stuff.
java.lang.AssertionError: No errors for field 'roles[]' of attribute 'userDto'
and it actually makes sense in this case as adding@NotNull
to roles will only ensure thatroles
is never null. However i want to validate the items inside ofroles