
I am trying to read a file until i hit a random int between 1 and 5 and then read the word next to that int into an array. Before trying to compare a random int with the return value of fgetc(), the code was working well (It read chars into an array until an end of line). Now, when i am in the debugger, i see that the return value of fgetc() for the integers i am looking for is the ASCII decimal value, not the actual integer. So when i compare with the random int, it is never found. I don't understand how to get this right. Here is the code, sorry for the comments being in french, they are not relevant.

int lectureMot(FILE *listePtr, char motsecret[])
    int caracLu;
    int nbLettres = 0;
    int numRand;
    numRand = rand()%((6-1)+1);

    /*Ouverture du fichier texte de la liste*/
    listePtr = fopen("Liste.txt","r");

    /*Verification de l'ouverture du fichier*/
    if (listePtr == NULL)
        printf("Erreur a l'ouverture de la liste");
        /*Lire jusqu'au nombre random*/
        while((caracLu = fgetc(listePtr)) != numRand);

        /*Lire le mot et le mettre dans le tableau*/
        while((caracLu = fgetc(listePtr)) != '\n')
            motsecret[nbLettres] = (char)caracLu;
            nbLettres = ++nbLettres;
    /*Fermeture du fichier liste*/
    return nbLettres;

1 Answer 1


Just add '0' character to your digit:


numRand = rand()%((6-1)+1);


numRand = (rand()%((6-1)+1)) + '0';
  • Thank you, i feel stupid for not having tought of that haha. Sep 16, 2018 at 1:19
  • 5
    You can just add '0' to be more explicit, instead of having a seemingly random 48 in your code
    – Nic
    Sep 16, 2018 at 1:20
  • 1
    rand()%((6-1)+1) will not generate the random number 1-5, instead it makes 0 - 5. Adding 48 instead of '0' would not pass many a code-review. Sep 16, 2018 at 1:36
  • 1
    There is no guarantee ASCII is used for the character set. And don't use magic numbers in code! Sep 16, 2018 at 11:18

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