Suspect my brain isn't working today - I need to extract a list of keys, etc:

Dictionary<string, MyClass>  myDict;
List<String> myKeys = myDict.Keys;

The second line fails to compile as the Keys property returns a "KeyCollection" class and not a list<> of key objects.


5 Answers 5


Using LINQ you can do the following...

List<String> myKeys = myDict.Keys.ToList();

However depending on what your goal is with the keys (selective enumeration etc) it might make more sense to work with the key collection and not convert to a list.

  • 1
    Thanks - that's pretty nifty: I need to get the hang of Linq!
    – winwaed
    Commented Mar 8, 2011 at 16:46
  • 1
    Ah, so what I was missing was simply using System.Linq; I never get used to all these extension methods that suddenly show up... Commented Oct 18, 2018 at 15:30

KeyCollection implements the IEnumerable interface.

You can use an extension method to convert it to a list.

List<String> myKeys = myDict.Keys.ToList();

Or use a different constructor:

List<String> myKeys = new List<String>(myDict.Keys);

Yes, you can try - IEnumerable<String> myKeys = myDict.Keys;

Always a good idea to use IEnumerable (a more generic type).


If you need a true list:

List<string> myKeys = new List<string>(myDict.Keys);

I've been created a simplified Dictionary:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CS_Library
    public sealed class Dict : IEquatable<Dict>, IDict
        private ArrayList keys, values;

        private int LocalCount; public int Count { get => LocalCount; }

        public Dict()
            keys = new ArrayList();
            values = new ArrayList();

        public Dict(ArrayList keys, ArrayList values)
            this.keys = keys;
            this.values = values;

        ~Dict() { }

        public object this[object key] { get => values[keys.IndexOf(key)]; }
        public int Add(object key, object value) // The more strange is the Visual Studio don't color the 'value'

            if (keys.IndexOf(key) > -1 || values.IndexOf(value) > -1)
                return -1;
            LocalCount = keys.Add(key);
            return values.Add(value);
        public void Override(object newKey, object newValue, object key)
            if (keys.IndexOf(newKey) > -1 || values.IndexOf(newValue) > -1)
            keys[keys.IndexOf(key)] = newKey;
            values[keys.IndexOf(key)] = newValue;

        public void Delete(object key)
            if (keys.IndexOf(key) == -1)

        public void DeleteAt(int index)
            if (index < 0 || index > keys.Count)

        public void Erase()
            values = null;
            keys = null;

        public void Rebuild(ArrayList newKeys, ArrayList newValues)
            if (keys != null && values != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected 'Erase()' method before this one. Or the 'Queue_Rebuild()' method instead this one.");
            keys = newKeys;
            values = newValues;

        public void Queue_Rebuild(ArrayList newKeys, ArrayList newValues)
            Rebuild(newKeys, newValues);

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return Equals(obj as Dict);

        public bool Equals(Dict other)
            return other != null &&
                   EqualityComparer<ArrayList>.Default.Equals(keys, other.keys) &&
                   EqualityComparer<ArrayList>.Default.Equals(values, other.values) &&
                   LocalCount == other.LocalCount;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return HashCode.Combine(keys, values, LocalCount);

        public override string ToString()
            string r = "{ ";
            bool first = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < LocalCount; i++)
                if (!first)
                    r += ", ";
                    first = false;
                r += $"{keys[i]}:{values[i]}";
            return r + " }";

        public static bool operator ==(Dict left, Dict right)
            return EqualityComparer<Dict>.Default.Equals(left, right);

        public static bool operator !=(Dict left, Dict right)
            return !(left == right);

        public static Dict operator +(Dict left, Dict right)
            Dict r = left;
            for (int i = 0; i < right.Count; i++)
                r.Add(right.keys[i], right.values[i]);
            return r;


It's not finished, so you can do any changes.

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