Django has truncatewords
template tag, which cuts the text at the given word count. But there is nothing like truncatechars.
What's the best way to cut the text in the template at given char-length limit?
{{ value|slice:"5" }}{% if value|length > 5 %}...{% endif %}
Since version 1.4, Django have a built-in template tag for this:
{{ value|truncatechars:9 }}
filter adds an ellipse character by default.
I made my own template filter, that add "..." to the end of (last word of) the (truncated) string as well:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def truncate_chars(value, max_length):
if len(value) > max_length:
truncd_val = value[:max_length]
if not len(value) == max_length+1 and value[max_length+1] != " ":
truncd_val = truncd_val[:truncd_val.rfind(" ")]
return truncd_val + "..."
return value
If you go on creating your own custom template tag, consider to leverage the native Django util Truncator.
The following is a sample usage of the Truncator util:
>>> from django.utils.text import Truncator
>>> Truncator("Django template tag to truncate text")
<Truncator: <function <lambda> at 0x10ff81b18>>
>>>Truncator("Django template tag to truncate text").words(3)
u'Django template tag...'
Truncator("Django template tag to truncate text").chars(20)
u'Django template t...'
And here how you can use it inside a Django template tag:
from django import template
from django.utils.text import Truncator
register = template.Library()
def custom_truncator(value, max_len, trunc_words=False):
""" Set trunc_words=True to truncate by words instead of by chars."""
truncator = Truncator(value)
return truncator.words(max_len) if trunc_words else truncator.chars(max_len)
Eventually you can import the custom_truncator in any Django template.
Here it is in the Django Documentation, Built-in template tags and filters: truncatechars
You should write a custom template filter:
Have a look at how truncatewords
is built in django.utils.text
You can achieve your goal with similar code:
{{ value_of_text|truncatechars:NUM_OF_CHARS_TO_TRUNCATE}}
is number of chars to leave.
should be preferred, due to it being more explicit.
Jun 20, 2014 at 5:17
Adding a "truncate" filter was a feature request for 4 years but finally landed in trunk, as far as I understand - so we’ve to wait for the next release or use trunk.