this code is inside a VUEJs framwork.

I am working to create a stacked bar chart but wasn't able to use D3 stack function. so i tried implementing y position and height of rectangles in a different way.

This is the data I have:

tasks: [
    taskStages: [
        stageTotal: 200 
        stageTotal: 400 
        stageTotal: 400 
            stageTotal: 200 
            stageTotal: 300

I have tried to make scales specific for each task, but wasn't successful.

the x pos of each Bar is fine, my issue is with y pos of the rectangle and height.

this is the code i currently have:

  return d3.scaleLinear()
    .range([0,this.svgHeight - 20])

  const arrOFCumulativeSums = [0]
   taskStages.reduce((sumOfStages,currStage) => {
       arrOFCumulativeSums.push(currStage.stageTotal + sumOfStages)
       return currStage.stageTotal + sumOfStages;
  return arrOFCumulativeSums
  let currCumulativeSum;
  let yScaleForTask;

  const taskG = svg
            (d, i) => `translate(${cunmulativeGroupXPos[i]},0)`,
  // from here i'm stuck
  const stageG = taskG
          .data(d =>{ 
              yScaleForTask = this.getScaleForTask(d);
              currCumulativeSum = this.TaskCumulativeTotal(d.taskStages); 
              return d.taskStages; 
          .attr('transform', d => xScale(d.taskName)); // this determins the x pos

          .attr('width', 30)
          .attr('y', (d,i) => yScaleForTask(currCumulativeSum[i]))
          .attr('height', d => yScaleForTask(d.stageTotal))
          .attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'))
          .attr('stroke', 'grey');

This is how it currently looks enter image description here

I've been trying to make each task stage to stack on each other, I did read D3 Stacked bar chart with different stack level

and https://bl.ocks.org/DimsumPanda/689368252f55179e12185e13c5ed1fee

  • 1
    can you post the working code, to make it easyer to help
    Sep 19, 2018 at 6:02

1 Answer 1


Found a way to make it work: posting the code for future reference.

they way I solved this was to iterate over the tasks and for each task add a group and inside each group add the bars.

this way i didn't lose the cumulative sums which i needed for the y position.

    chartBuilder() {
      const longestTask = this.getLongestTask();
      const taskNames = this.tasks.map(t => t.taskName);
      const xScale = d3.scaleBand()
        .rangeRound([0, this.svgWidth]);
      const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
      const yScaleForTask = this.getScaleForTask(this.svgHeight - 20, longestTask);

      const barWidthScale = Math.round(this.svgWidth / this.tasks.length) - this.GbGS;
      // adding data to show as bar chart
      this.tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
        const currCumulativeSum = this.CumulativeTimeOfStages(task.taskStages);
        const data = [task];

        const currTask = svg
          .attr('class', `bar${taskIndex}`)
          .data(d => d.taskStages)
          .attr('y', (d, i) => this.svgHeight - yScaleForTask(currCumulativeSum[i]))
          .attr('width', barWidthScale)
          .attr('height', d => yScaleForTask(d.totalTime))
          .attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'));

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