After some research I found the solution to this: the 'openscoring' library.
Using it is very simple:
import subprocess
from openscoring import Openscoring
import numpy as np
p = subprocess.Popen('java -jar openscoring-server-executable-1.4.3.jar',
os = Openscoring("http://localhost:8080/openscoring")
# Deploying a PMML document DecisionTreeIris.pmml as an Iris model:
os.deployFile("Iris", "DecisionTreeIris.pmml")
# Evaluating the Iris model with a data record:
arguments = {
"Sepal_Length" : 5.1,
"Sepal_Width" : 3.5,
"Petal_Length" : 1.4,
"Petal_Width" : 0.2
result = os.evaluate("Iris", arguments)
This returns the value of the target variable in a dictionary. There is no need to go outside of Python to use PMML models anymore (you just have to run the server with Java, which can be done with Python as well as I showed above).