I'm migrating Gradle build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin DSL and one of the things which is not really documented is how to populate extra properties.
In Groovy, I can write:
ext {
comp = 'node_exporter'
compVersion = '0.16.0'
compProject = 'prometheus'
arch = 'linux-amd64'
tarball = "v${compVersion}/${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}.tar.gz"
downloadSrc = "https://github.com/${compProject}/${comp}/releases/download/${tarball}"
unzipDir = "${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}"
I figured out that in the Kotlin DSL, I can achive the same functionality with:
val comp by extra { "filebeat" }
val compVersion by extra { "6.4.0" }
val arch by extra { "linux-x86_64" }
val tarball by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}.tar.gz" }
val downloadSrc by extra { "https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/${comp}/${tarball}" }
val unzipDir by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}" }
which looks pretty repetitive.
Implementation of ExtraPropertiesExtension in Kotlin is a little bit complex, but at the end, it holds just plain old Map<String, Object>
So, my question: is it possible to populate extra
object with multiple properties more easily, than just repeating val myProp by extra { "myValue"}
), but IMHO it obfuscates the purpose (it is less readable).extra.properties.putAll(pairs = listOf( "comp" to "filebeat", "compVersion" to "6.4.0" ))
extra["key"] = "value"