I need to make two HTTP calls (first GET and second POST), the second based on result of the first.

Here's the response from the GET:

    "weekNbr": "34-2017",
    "startDate": "2017-09-16",
    "endDate": "2017-09-22"

This response will then be manipulated and sent as a POST request with the following JSON:

    "weekNbr": 34, (as received above)
    "year": 2017 (as received above)

One Solution:

    map(do your maipulation)
    (newlyCreatedObject) => {
        return http.post(url2,newlyCreatedObject);

But I don't think it's the correct way.

NOTE: These calls are supposed to be made in a single service. If there are any rxjs operators to do the same, it'd be highly appreciated.

2 Answers 2


You can use the flatMap/mergeMap operator to make two HTTP requests, one depending on the other.


http.get(data).flatMap(res => {
    // res is response of Get
    // manipulate the data and passed in post call
    return http.post(data);
.map(res => {})
.catch(e => {});
  • Mergemap is used to make two simultaneous calls as far as I know. Not sure about flatMap/switchMap, though. Also, i need to manipulate my data from get and then feed it to the post call. So that requires some extra manipulation which I don’t think is recommended in operators like map(made for minor filtering/updation) of data! Sep 19, 2018 at 20:49
  • mergeMap is just the new name of flatMap. within mergeMap you can do the manipulations you want. Otherwise, if you prefer this style, use http.get(data).map(res => // do the manipulations).flatMap(res => { return http.post(data); })
    – Picci
    Sep 20, 2018 at 5:37

i have prepare this dummy service :

import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {flatMap} from 'rxjs/operators';
 * Dummy get observable.
export class MyService {

  getInformation$(): Observable<{foo:string}> {
    return of({foo:'bar'});

  postInformation$(params:{foo:string}): Observable<any> {
    return of({
      fooUpperCase: params.foo.toUpperCase() // Stupid transformation for demonstration only

  main() {
      flatMap(data => this.postInformation$(data)) // receive each next and return new observable. 

new MyService().main();

For demonstration only, i have switch http observable to dummy of observable.

live sample

  • I think this would work. Thanks mate! Also, i want the POST data(which is returned) in a component. So i am thinking of using a resolver to fetch the data(the main() function would be in it)! But is it recommended to have that kind of data manipulation in a resolver? Or as you used in the post call( since its gonna be in service.ts file where data manipulation is not recommended )? Sep 19, 2018 at 21:02

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